Old scars / scabs

14 October 2015
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Hi so I have recently bought an 8 years old ex racer he has a few lumpy scabs/ scars on his back legs now my friend seems to think the reason they havnt healed properly like normal scars when they just grow white hair back over them is because there is some kind of mild infection ? Is this true is there anything I can do to treat them so that they aren’t lumpy and do heal better ? They are deffinately a few years old and not new so is it too late now ?

be positive

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9 July 2011
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There is no such thing as a 'normal' scar, the skin heals in many different ways and not all just grow white hair to show where the injury was, some leave no signs, some never return to anything near how the area was previously with various areas of thickened skin, old proud flesh, sometimes bony lumps and bumps becoming normal for the individual, there could be some residual inflammation or low level infection remaining but without seeing them it would be hard to offer any advice, as already said it will be something requiring treatment aimed at the individual, what works for one may do nothing for another.


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25 August 2010
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Agree with above my guess is it's just how the skin has formed I very much doubt there is still infection, I would maybe try some sort of product to help the skin on those areas, I have used wonder gel by gold label for mild skin complaints with good results

What's he fed? Micronised linseed is good for the skin and coat or even try a good multi vitamin supplement he may be lacking in something.


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13 November 2009
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My mare degloved her hind leg in a hunting injury as a 4 year old . It healed but was always lumpy and scurfy through the rest of her life I had to let her go at 20 but the scar was not a problem.