Old Surrey and burstow


Well-Known Member
14 August 2014
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I do and have done for 3 seasons. Lovely pack very friendly. Some good jumping days but good for children too as the secretary normally takes them under a wing. Hot on manners and turnout make sure you're on your best behaviour!


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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I did but found them quite unfriendly as a pack. Secretary lovely but followers very cliquey. Coakham far friendlier.


Well-Known Member
19 November 2009
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My first experience of horse ownership on my first livery yard, with my first horse (we're talking about 18 yrs ago) organised "mock hunts" with the co-operation and staff from the Surrey and Burstow.
Local riders acted as fox, hounds and field but hunt staff controlled the show. Turnout was as for proper hunting and as AAR says, they are hot on correct turnout and manners. I had the best days ever and as an introduction to hunting, mock hunts are a fab idea. I was born-and-bred townie with an idea but no experience. A local rider who knew the route, the fields, the jumps (in my case the YO teenage daughter) was the fox. Half a dozen or so guaranteed well behaved riders/horses were the hounds and stayed around and about the huntsman. I even graduated to being a hound ! To cut a long story short, there was lots of blowing the horn, lots of excited horses, lots of jumping (or not) but what a fab education for young horses and in my case, uneducated riders !
After a year or two, I moved a few hundred miles up north and when I was in a position to go hunting properly, after several mock hunts, I knew my horse wouldn't be bothered by the horn. I knew she was good in company with others hurtling up behind her and I learned that she didn't like standing still. So I could concentrate on what I, as a rider, was supposed to be doing, and how I could help my horse. The only thing that had been missing were the hounds but although my horse turned out to be fab with hounds, when you're actually hunting you don't have that much contact anyway. At the meets it should be possible to keep out of their way.

If the OS and B hadn't done this, for ordinary riders, ordinary riding club-level people and hunting newbies I probably wouldn't have had the bottle to do it properly.

I know I'm talking years ago, but it's quite telling that Nicnac says the "Secretary lovely but followers very cliquey". I can't comment on the followers these days, but the secretary is likely to be the same mindset. They want you to go hunting and will help you to do it.

Good luck, and have a lovely day !