Olympia, HOYS etc - quick question! re poll on homepage


Well-Known Member
26 April 2003
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There's a poll on the HHO front page at the moment about Olympia, throwing up the results that most people are going or watching it on TV, and only 7% 'aren't interested'. So I thought I'd dust off my log in and ask you lot if that was actually representative?! Just wondering if it's only me - I work with horses, and don't forget they exist when I come home, and Olympia and HOYS tend to pass me by completely unless I know people who are competing there. Sure I've been to Olympia a few times (HOYS only once since it moved from Wembley) but I'm not obsessed with trying to catch TV coverage, or finding out who's winning what - if I particularly want somebody to win something I'll probably be there watching them, or getting my results quicker by phone than they'll appear on H&H, and it'll be an element that isn't shown on TV anyway.

Just wondering, in connection with another thread in here today, is it because Olympia is one of the few times we CAN watch any coverage on the TV? Or is it because it's still 'the Christmas horse show' and when we pay the (ever increasing) price for tickets we're satisfying our inner horse mad little girl? Or are there in fact more that 7% of us who aren't especially bothered? Ultimately I guess the question is something I've always wondered, do the vast majority of horse people really religiously follow horse sport, or do we just dip in and out?