OMG luckiest blooming horse alive!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
11 November 2001
Wiltshire/Hampshire ish!
So much for my lie in!

Got call at 8 oclock from YO to say, nothing wrong with Dan or Fleur who she had turned out but that my Housemate's horse Flo had just kicked out in the stable just before they went to turn her out and had put her foot through the bars and got her foot caught. Housemate had left phone down stairs so hadn't heard it, thankgod I keep mine next to my bed.

So we went down to yard immediately after getting ourselves in vaguely awake frame of mind. Thankfully the yard is all of 5 mins away from our house, and YO already called vet for us (thankgod for YO on site!).

We were seriously expecting her to have ripped tendons etc as it was her back leg it had got stuck between the bars and then the bar broke allowing her to pull leg free after about a minute.

Now for the luck, vet arrived about 20 mins after us and we arrived about 30 mins after it happened. She had started weight bearing and got through a slight bit of initial shock by this point (again thankgod for YO!)

Vet who came is top and very well respected vet at local equine vet clinic and gave a thorough inspection but couldn't see any signs of injuries other than minor strains and two small cuts. She trotted up as near sound as she could have done in the situation and as there was no puffiness/swelling/significant heat he was more than happy that any injuries will be minor strains only and best course of action was to turn her out to walk it off.

She is officially the luckiest horse alive, all concerned are amazed that what she did has left basically no injury (she is having a grand total of 2 butes tonight 2 tomorrow for her treatment!). But then its not the first time she has miraculously escaped injury. About 2 years ago I was leading her in the outdoor school about to ride her when a tractor came past and caused her to rear, I had no choice but to let go as she went vertical, she bolted across school, slowed up to trot nearing gate looked like she was stopping then changed mind jumped 5 bar gate from trot on to concrete but dragging back legs through. She completly smashed gate but walked away unhurt!!!!

so bit
still as amazed she has come off so lightly.

And urgh alarm just gone off as this is when i had 'intended' to wake up!



Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Whew, sounds like a lucky escape!
Sometimes they do escape injury despite the most horrendous circumstances but she probably has used up a couple of her nine lives..
Congratulations on your new website by the way, I had no idea you were such a talented artist.
Any chance of you doing a stand at next week's equine fair at Westpoint?


Well-Known Member
11 November 2001
Wiltshire/Hampshire ish!
definetly used up a fair few of her nine lives now with no doubt! It was just so freak accident that she got foot through bars anyway as only a shetland 'should' be able to get foot through and they 'shouldn't' be able to buck that high anyway!! All we can say is thankgod the bar broke at the bottom to allow her foot to escape as if it had stayed trapped and she had continued to struggle you don't dare think what would have been the outcome!

as for my site its far from new but thankyou
no chance on stall as well I think I have done a grand total of 3 this year and the 4th I'm only doing as a VERY big favour due to a friend of a friends horse dying suddenly last week! Would be a very empty stall as most are commissions and I never progressed to doing prints yet!