on the subject or pro and anti hunt..

Devonshire dumpling

Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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How many people hunt... or hunted rather who didn't really believe in the killing of the fox, but turned a blind eye to it, or never saw it, and just went for the lovely riding and the excitement?


Well-Known Member
15 September 2011
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And . . why aren't those DM readers who are anti because of foxes, supporting bloodhound and drag hunts? Or could it be about social prejudice after all?? (tee hee)


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25 November 2005
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I used to hunt regularly and never saw a kill. It was a great deal more likely that I would see my blood than that of any fox. I felt sorry for the fox and was quite pleased if it escaped, but accepted that it was the whole object, after all, and the reward for the hounds. I can't see why it is considered acceptable for a human to shoot something and maybe miss, but it isn't acceptable for a pack of hounds to efficiently kill their prey.

But it is history now, of course ...............................


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5 April 2010
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I don't believe in *REAL* hunting.

I have been mock hunting and drag hunting when my horse was younger .

in my experience

Mock hunting :
fox is someone in green jumper on horseback who leads the way a certain time in front of the rest.

Hounds are in red jumpers usually around 8 people on horse back.

Then the rest of the group , quite a stead hunt gr8 for beginners.

Drag hunting :

very much like real hunting you have
real hounds
real huntsman
,only difference is they follow a sent. Set course normally so jumps and obstacles a normally safe. Can be fast and you do stop for a breather.
I think it gives you gr8 day hunting without the kill but feeling like the real thing

Real hunting :

real fox
real hounds
reals huntsman
going where ever the fox goes jump anything in your way dangerous or not

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Devonshire dumpling

Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I used to hunt regularly and never saw a kill. It was a great deal more likely that I would see my blood than that of any fox. I felt sorry for the fox and was quite pleased if it escaped, but accepted that it was the whole object, after all, and the reward for the hounds. I can't see why it is considered acceptable for a human to shoot something and maybe miss, but it isn't acceptable for a pack of hounds to efficiently kill their prey.

But it is history now, of course ...............................

I would say alot more people think like that than you think..... I too never saw a kill!!


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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I used to hunt regularly and never saw a kill. It was a great deal more likely that I would see my blood than that of any fox. I felt sorry for the fox and was quite pleased if it escaped, but accepted that it was the whole object, after all, and the reward for the hounds. I can't see why it is considered acceptable for a human to shoot something and maybe miss, but it isn't acceptable for a pack of hounds to efficiently kill their prey.

But it is history now, of course ...............................


I couldn't have summed it up better myself


Well-Known Member
16 February 2011
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Totally disagree, although I believe that people do hunt who feel exactly the same as you both. Somebody said in the press only last week that eating meat and avoiding it being killed is to be in denial about what you are actually doing. Personally, as long as the people who feel this way about hunting pay their sub and help cover the finances of the hunt then its all good. However, blood sport, of any sort, is not the same as drag hunting. Drag hunting is less about watching wonderful houndmanship and more about jumping fences at a constant speed. I have done both and never will I be converted to mock hunting. Fox hunting (used) to provide a service, as well as a sport to ladies and gentlemen, to the farmers and landowners and watching the hounds use their heads and hunt a fox (preban) truely is magical. Good topic!

Devonshire dumpling

Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I suppose I am referring to preban as this is when I hunted. I would call myself a hypocrite to people, this is because I really enjoyed hunting , from the meet to being cold and galloping around, to going home to washing the horses and patching them up.... but I was never there for the kill, now if I had been right up there I wouldn't have been disgusted, but if I saw the fox I would think run little fox.... so what am I????? indifferent?? soft??? Ps I am the same when I have been shooting rabbits, fishing etc!


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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Totally disagree, although I believe that people do hunt who feel exactly the same as you both. Somebody said in the press only last week that eating meat and avoiding it being killed is to be in denial about what you are actually doing. Personally, as long as the people who feel this way about hunting pay their sub and help cover the finances of the hunt then its all good. However, blood sport, of any sort, is not the same as drag hunting. Drag hunting is less about watching wonderful houndmanship and more about jumping fences at a constant speed. I have done both and never will I be converted to mock hunting. Fox hunting (used) to provide a service, as well as a sport to ladies and gentlemen, to the farmers and landowners and watching the hounds use their heads and hunt a fox (preban) truely is magical. Good topic!

I have reared my own meat and taken it to the slaughter house, shot, killed prepared and eaten birds, necked chickens and ducks... I am completely able to back up my stand point.

I was anti hunt, until the ban became a real possibility, then I was angry because I thought that instilling ones views on others and forcing them to conform was down right wrong, It was with this viewpoint and with the hope of encouraging my mare to be more bold that I took to my first hunt, I did feel guilty and a bit divided at first, but whilst I felt slightly uncomfortable with the prospect of seeing a fox killed, I also did see understand some of the reasoning behind the hunt. You do not have to be 'comfortable' with death to understand it and accept it. I also thoroughly enjoyed the hunt. On the other hand, during the same time I would see the hunt up in the top fields when going to the yard to do my mare, and seeing them riding away from the yard, come across a fox merrily trotting along the path that they had just ridden without a care in the world... and I would chuckle to myself... ;)

We obviously do the whole 'drag' thing down here, but the hounds are still not top knotch with it LOL, so there is still a LOT of waiting around, never been on a fast hunt in my life, but I enjoy the standing waiting and chatting, then the off... going hell for leather all day would not be my kind of thing