One person horse?


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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Do you find your horse goes better or behaves for you rather than anyone else? After yesterdays dissapointment at show being too wet to compete, went to Stafford RC today and did the 2'3" class and came 2nd so was chuffed to bits and the new brakes of rubber pelham with two reins seemed to work better than his loose ring snaffle (fractured a bone in my hand last month as he was so strong
) However another lady popped him round the 2'6" course which we jumped at last months show where we had one stop and jumped the rest clear. However with this lady on him he backed off the fences, refused a couple of them, went through (oh yes!) some of them and knocked countless poles down! Ooh I felt so bad as I said you only need to point and steer with him as he is like a cruise missile.
So it would definately seem that he only likes mum on board, are your horses like this as well? Would be interested to hear what others are like? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
17 November 2005
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My daughters pony is like this. The pony and her have learned together as pony was very green when we got her as a 5yr old and daughter had only done lead rein. Whenever her friends get on her they just can't get her to move -(she doesn't respond to kicks) and daughter just has to touch her. My cob gets very nervous with anyone else on her. She's quite sharp for a cob and will tank if she's ridden with anyone else. I ride her with washing lines most of the time.


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21 March 2005
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Cob Blob will not go for anyone other than MD, he is really slow & obstinate if anyone else rides him & will barely trot, never mind canter!

Fat Orange One can be ridden by anyone who can ride basically but can be very fizzy & silly, whereas he is generally pretty calm with eldest daughter!

Little Black One however is a horrid, fickle, little creep-ar$e, who will go wonderfully for anybody that calls him beautiful.....or clever.....or bribes him with sweeties! He has no shame at all but he is a dreadful show-off I suppose!
(Won't be caught or 'put to bed' by anyone else though! LOL)


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I think it totally depends on how often the horse has other people riding it. Obviously if it is the owner riding it all the time and only occasionally someone else rides it, then it will not be as settled as when it has it's usual rider on board.

Horses get used to things and if you were to have this rider ride the horse more often then I am sure that she would get positive results.


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3 June 2006
Burnley, Lancashire
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Honey was always funny about other people riding her. She had a few nasty jockeys before I bought her, and it took me months to regain her trust. There is def an 'art' to riding the mad ginger one, and it was always think it, then ask it wit your voice (by which time she had usually done what you were asking!) Minimal legs and hands. A friend hopped on her years ago and I told her just to sit and relax, while I basically free lunged her using my voice. This was fine until I went to open the arena gate to let someone else in. I could hear my friend kind of making funny squeaking noises from where I'd left them, to find Honey jiggling up and down on the spot each leg in a different direction, not exactly behaving herself! The moment I took up postion in the middle and told her to walk on, she was fine


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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Glad it's not just Pidge who is a one person horse then! He was a hireling on a hunt yard in Ireland so must have had lots of different riders on him. It was just because he is so good at his jumping and I'm just getting back into it again I thought it would be nice to see just what he can do with someone who can jump properly rather than my not particulary stylish but more self preservation jumping style
- however I think I will have to bite the bullet and do it myself. Why does 2'6" seem so big when I used to jump 3'6" as a teenager?


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18 October 2005
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I'd say pickle goes best for me and my dad anyone else on him cant normally get him to canter and let him slow down to a near trot jumping!


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9 December 2005
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All of mine have been one family horses, James, as a small child, could ride this animal which no other child could ride without more metal in its mouth than most of these showjumpery things... it's 12.1hh!!!!
Carrie was just special to me, no one else. People have got off saying she's a rubbish horse to ride, but get me up there, and she was a baby again, and loved it.
Zak is a one type of person horse, he hates people who can't ride to his standard...
Dorey isn't fussy, but like Zak, doesn't like novices much, and isn't too bothered where she goes as long as she's with mummy.


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2 January 2005
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I really think it depends on what the horse is used to!!

Whenever you get on a horse for the first time or even the first couple of times you will never get as good results out of it as someone who has been riding it everyday for years as they know what makes the horse tick and visa versa.

If your friend rode your horse as often as you then i am sure she would get better results than she did the other day.

Also everyone uses different aids so if a horse is not used to a cetain aid then its not going to pick up first time as it would with the owner.

A classic expample is my friend only ever canters her horse from a walk, i got on and tried to make him canter from a trot, would he do it . . .NO!!! She then told me to try from a walk and bingo, it worked first time. He just didn't understand the aids i was giving him but if i was to ride him everyday then i'm sure he would start to understand what i was asking of him.

Am i making any sense or am i just rambling

Another example was my cob, would NOT move for anyone else but me, i couldn't sell her because of this so i gave her away to someone who just loved her because she was pretty. She couldn't get her moving but didn't care!!! A few months down the line and they were flying round the paddock coz my horse had got used to her.


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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No your not rambling, makes sense what you say I suppose they get used to us like we get used to them and someone new is strange. Just couldn't believe the difference in him with someone else riding him. Don't really know if I want someone else riding him that often that he gets used to them if you know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Oshk is a difficult ride, I can only ride him well because I have spent 18monthes mastering how to cover up his bad points. Bekka and T also find him hard to ride, so I think I do well. He is any confident rider's ride, but saying that, on the ground he is mine only. Having a beaten horse makes you wonder what the hell they did to him, because it is really only me that spends enough time with him unmounted for him to trust me.


Well-Known Member
11 November 2005
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Yes Blue is like that. He will do anything for me and try his hardest, but in the past when i have been away and asked other people to ride him for me each time he has tried (and succeeded on occasions!) to buck them off especially if they try to jump him. Funny thing is if i am actually there watching and someone else is riding him he will mostly behave....