One step forwards.....


Well-Known Member
23 August 2005
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Having looked at all the literature I could find, read all your tips I managed to load THE pony onto the lorry last night with very little fuss!!!!!

I put his bridle on with a newmarket coupling clip, had a schooling whip in my outside hand, stayed VERY close to his shoulder and led him positively up to the ramp. He backed off the first time - but I kept pressure on the lead rope - then he went up! I had a lead rope already attached to a tie ring in the lorry so I just clipped it to the coupling. He pulled back a few times but stopped as soon as he felt he was tied up. I fed him in there (a bit difficult with his bit in) and then took him out!

this isn't a one off. I will keep practising every day - I thought I might groom him in there this evening as well as he loves that. I am still going to get a be-nice halter as well.

Thank you to everyone who replied to my post. Isn't it often the case that it isn't the pony who is the problem but the human


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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I agree that a positive attitude can make an enormous difference, well done - now he knows you mean it I'm sure you will make lots of progress.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Thats great news, well done.
I agree about it being us not the horses as my horse was very nervous once we got him in the trailer and Im stood at his side supposedly talking to him to calm him down when YO popped in and said stop shouting. I hadnt even realised but in my nervous panicky mode!!! I noticed I was raising my voice afterall.