oooops mummy ran out!


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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Did a bit more jumping on Ty last night - it was all too exciting as we'd just got back from a hack out and his friends were in the school with us. So instead of riding him on strongly, I kind of dithered and he kept running out of the jump! I say running out, it really wasn't nasty - and totally my fault!

So we put the jump down, then back up but with a filler....once he started to pay attention there was no stopping him....think he's going to be a good little jumper.... xxxx


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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He was more or less perfect. Slow coming out of the yard and tried to turn around a few times but certainly not napping!

Such a weight off my mind as you build these things up for no reason and end up stressing yourself out. We even trotted up the gallops and cantered towards home with not one bit of trouble.

I think he's clicked that he's not at the school anymore and life is much more fun with one mummy! He also never knows what we're going to do when we go out and we all know how short a TB's attention span is!

So all in all, very happy......swoon..... x