Oopsie - Flying Child!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Put stupid rubber saddle & bridle on SWO & plonk MD on top, all fine! Toddle slowly round, all fine! Tell MD to 'touch' her with her legs as she's tells her to 'walk on'...just as pony's concentration is on youngster in adjoining field! Oops!
Pony go ping! MD (no stirrups, as not practical really, due to her long legs!) stays on pretty well but exits rapidly out the side door on 3rd lightening speed pirouette! Lands on back & elbow & inbetween gasping for air, swears at pony, at mother & anyone else who's listening!

Heartless mother says brightly "Getting back on?" MD, clutching ribs through stylish Racesafe BP & trying to remember just how it is you actually do inhale & exhale, waves a pathetic hand in air & says valiantly "Just.......*gasp*.......give me a mo......I'll be with you in a second..!"
Heaves herself back on & is walked round with father - pony has ears flat on head, with a clear dilemma between "Sorry mate, you caught me by surprise a bit!" & "Serve you right, you fat c*w!" going on!

To her credit, pony did seem startled & only put in 'half-strength' (for her!) bucks & having deposited her rider, instead of continuing to plunge wildly round the school like a rodeo escapee, actually stopped dead on the second "Whoa, stand" command (no doubt at the authority in mother's voice, due to as much to said mother's great concern for the rather nice Jefferies bridle she was wearing, as much as concern for the pony! lol) & stood stock still, with a slightly "Oh-oh, I've made a boo-boo!" expression on her face!

Trusting mother then plonks littlest disabled daughter on board, who is waving arms & shouting "I don't wanna, I don't wanna!", having just seen her sister reach a speed approaching mach 1 on the way to the ground but mother is having none of it & after wicked parental threats of pony being sold to MacDonalds if nobody playes with it etc., child is wrestled into hat & BP & dumped onboard! (She wasn't really scared btw, I'm not that cruel! Ha ha!)

Pony gives big sigh & trundles round next to father, giving happy little snorts of approval & looking the picture of innocence! (Does pony equivalent of poking tongue out & smirking at MD as she passes but we let that go....!)
Persuade poor disabled bratling to try 'touching' her with her legs as she tells her 'walk on' & initially pony freezes, ears flicking frantically back & forth as she assesses the situation, before deciding 'small child is ok' & moving tentatively forwards!
On the tenth squeeze of 'walk on', pony is getting the idea & moving off confidently!

Hurrah - success - & we only had one grazed elbow & some bad language at the end of it! Pony is becoming 'small child' aware, so we still have hopes of 'setting her free' in the school one day, with reins & everything!


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Your posts always make me smile... Poor MD, and poor pony having to listen to that awful language, LOL!

I think a grazed elbow deserves lots and lots of chocolate!


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Wicked mummy!

Glad you are still persevering with the semi-useful little white one. Bless, seems like the pony has a conscience and can differentiate between who to be nice to and who it can be naughty with.

Does middle daughter want to try a BCLO in the near future? (Big Cream Loopy One - aka Ivy... ) - you can send her up here to play if you want!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Rather shockingly, I have always 'encouraged' disgraceful displays of swearing etc. (unless small children around!), as far better in times of stress to throw a few expletives in the direction of pony & get it out of system, than get back on or carry on in a foul mood & reach for a stick or something in temper!

Seems to work, as horrid though my children are, I cannpt imagine a situation where they would ever 'lose it' completely, not in the ring & not at home! (Obviously at shows, swearing is all done under the breath! LOL)


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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I hate seeing people take their stress out on their horses... If something really bad is going on, I try to finish on a good note, put her away and start again the following day.

Swearing at shows... that's all part of the fun isn't it?!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Bless, seems like the pony has a conscience and can differentiate between who to be nice to and who it can be naughty with.

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Which is fine by me - pony is only a sec A, so a 'kids' pony' & she's picked 'small kids' as those to be kind to, so she does indeed have some idea of what life's about! LOL

Does middle daughter want to try a BCLO in the near future? (Big Cream Loopy One - aka Ivy... ) - you can send her up here to play if you want!

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She would drive you mad - her idea of 'sitting still' on youngsters is to sit still but talk incessantly - nobody can shut her up, it's a physical impossibility sadly!
Most youngsters seem to like her though & apparently enjoy hearing all about 53 random subjects of conversation!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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You could do worse than study SWO as a 'behaviour case', as she is fascinatingly open & honest, absolutely text book! In the split second before she went 'ping', you could see exactly what she was going to do - just not quick enough to say or do anything to stop it!

I have never known her do anything underhand, sly or pondered why she does what she does, as she has completely 'natural' behaviour & is like a little wild animal in that respect - no domesticated artificial behaviours here, she does whatever comes naturally, which in some respects makes her very easy to work with once you understand the basic principles she works to!
A very easy to 'read' little pony, if you just take the time to stand back & observe her!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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That made me laugh

Hope MD is ok and that pony keeps being a typical welsh po

I kept being told that Baron never bucked etc and that for a welsh c he wasn't that cheeky. Well he sure as hell bucked when I had hoof in the corner of my eye.

Gotta love them though


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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I do love reading your posts, keeps me entertained. You could do one of those horse mag back page articles every month - get paid for them then!

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Yes please somebody - pay me, pay me!