Opinions, ideas..etc needed please!


Well-Known Member
28 December 2006
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I'm at a loss and would really appreciate some ideas/opinions! This could be very long sorry

A bit of background : I have a well bred 4yr old dressage horse, who we backed last year. We had planned to ride him for a couple of months through his 3rd year then give him the winter off and bring him back into work around March this year. He got kicked in the field where he was on livery (nothing major!) and afterwards lost weight and wouldn't put it back on easily. So I brought him home and turned him away sooner than I would have liked. This was in June 2011.

At the end of October I decided he needed to do something so I started to lunge him, he was really good and soon we moved onto long reining. Followed by some ride and lead. And the end of November I got back on with no problems (started slowly and leaned over, someone holding him..etc!) We then started little hacks and worked up to longer ones. I was always riding a happy horse who would go out in front, walk/trot/canter and go everywhere. He has lived in overnight all winter with T/O whenever possible for as long as possible on long grass. He definatly needed a holiday as he grew almost a hand from just under 16.1hh to 17hh now !

Fast forward to beginning of March and we moved him back to livery as I don't have facilities at home. It was same place as last time but he is now stabled with limited T/O and goes in the round pen/on walker when he can't go out. We worked him the first day he got there as he was as chilled as a cucumber, really good,couldn't have asked for more.

We took it slowly for a few days then started asking for more. after a couple of weeks he became very defensive and argumentative and all hard in his mouth. After this we got everything checked, had his back done and teeth checked, saddle..etc. He had put his pelvis out slightly and vet said that this was very recent and probably done in the stable. Vet advised no work for 7 days and then to just walk for 2 days and then no trot work for a week. We have a nice big outdoor school (90X70) so he said that we should canter around that a few times each way getting out of the saddle and off his back.

This was fine for 2 days - never been outside before. But on the third day he through his toys out of the pram. Every time I put my legs on to ask him to go forward he would either bounce on the spot or go backwards. I smacked him on the bum once and he went bolt upright. In the end I won and he cantered around the arena like nothing had happened. Next day the same thing happened, so spoke to vet and made the decision to lunge him in walk and canter in outdoor school as could make the circle bigger than 20m like in lunge pen - he possibly wasn't balanced enough to be cantering with me on his back...

After a few days we added trot and he worked for about 10 days on the lunge, learning to be balanced and use himself without having to deal with me aswell. I got back on and he was OK but not good, very negative and if I asked anything new he would have a hissy fit and do what he did in outdoor - we were indoors! My trainer got on him and quite quickly got off as it was just like he couldn't cope with a change of rider - bounced and bucked and they got bigger. I got back on and after about 10mins he calmed down but he still didn't want to go forward on his own accord. He was spooking at everything.

I decided to hack him out as he was feeling so negative and everything seemed like it was getting too much for him (he is not in pain - got everything checked!). He hacked out perfectly and didn't care about anything around him, no spooking, went first... :/ Hacked out a few times and decided to give him a week off and just walk him out in hand - no pressure, just relax and chill.

Lunged him on Tuesday then got back on, in lunge pen as this seems to be his "safe place". He bounced once and didn't listen to my leg at all. picked up a schooling whip and he went forward really nicely, trotted on both reins and called it a day. Yesterday - made sure he went out BEFORE I roder - normally goes out afterwards. I went in the lunge pen again, got straight on and although he spun as my trainer was giving me a schooling whip he was really good, we cantered and he felt balanced :) Not felt that before.

Now today....Went into the indoor school, did the same as yesterday and put him out before riding and then got straight on him no lunging. He worked really well on the left rein, working on straightness and the cirlces. changed the rein, one side has stables and a door at the end that was open, every time I came round the short side he wouldn't go up the long side of the school and seemed to realise I don't have enough strength in my right leg to keep him over. I got very frustrated and felt like giving up but instead put him on a 20m circle and the end he didn't like going round, trotted and made him use himself, come up to me and finally felt his shoulder and his back end working. Had a canter where he was a bit bouncy but really listening and he was between my legs not unbalanced at all. He felt better than before, but still not 100% confident.

He gets bored very quickly, when he is working, in stable, in field..etc. So we are thinking about trying something new everyday. never doing the same exercise two days in a row. He's not nasty in what he does, not in pain/uncomfortable he is just really negative, and sometimes spooky but after he has done it once he does it all the time and his answer to when he is unsure, negative, spooking is to either go backwards or spin. He's a big lad and I'm not so I try not to have a fight, just send him forward and get him to get on with it, but it's really frustrating and I'm feeling disheartened, and like I can't ride :( I'm not getting rid of him because of this, I want to get through it and find his buttons and what works with him ! I'm sure once we find this he will be special :) :)

As I have said everything has been checked so it's defiantly not pain...just confused as he's a lovely gentleman on the ground and I'm really frustrated that we are getting nowhere.

So anyone had this situation before? Or any ideas of how to overcome this? Do I carry on doing something new and keeping his brain occupied or do I concentrate on one thing and get that right? Maybe he is a horse that just needs more time to mature? Needs more T/O than he is getting at the moment ? Should I bring him home for the summer and hack and get his brain back in gear and the maybe start more work again - but would I be in the same situation ??

Any ideas/opinions greatly appreciated :) Sorry for such a long post, I can offer galaxy chocolate and champagne (well fake bubbly!!) for any opinions, ideas...for reading it !!!


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1 April 2002
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is it possible to do a lot more hacking from that yard, and do your training out on hacks, either alone or with another horse? tbh he sounds bored and resistant because of it. they vary hugely, i have known horses who feel safe and happy in the arena and would cheerfully go in there every day for a year, and others who get bored stiff very fast, and have an "i've been round this circle twice, i'm BORED" attitude. He sounds like the latter. Not surprising in a 4 yr old really I guess. I would get him out as much as possible, do leg yielding, half halts, opening up, etc out hacking, and restrict yourself to just 1 or 2 short school sessions a week, and see how he is.
(quite apart from that, and it does sound like boredom resistance to me so prob not relevant at all, but just because nobody found anything does not guarantee that the horse is 100% comfortable physically... just something to bear in mind)


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24 August 2010
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The thing is with 4 year olds that are absolute saints and do everything right- it just becomes far too easy to take advantage of their kind and willing nature and ask too much and push for too much before they are physically/mentally ready.

Personally I would give him a 6 week holiday now then bring back into work, only doing 10/15 mins here and there, for a couple of months having REALLY short and very happy easy easy spouts of work.Before increasing the work load again.

Sometimes with this sort of horse -Its never about always trying to win the big battles. If you win a big battle- the horse doesnt come away thinking ' oh dear I really must knuckle down and do as Im told' he comes away thinking ' that was really really hard work and I didnt enjoy it and I was pushed and pushed and I just couldnt give any more' so the next day the horse will be just as naughty- he's thinking he's going to have a long, hard,horrible session where its not fun and its not easy. So it has to be a easy short session where he's barely asked anything. Dont put him in a situation where theres going to be a fight- if he bounces in the school then dont school! Just walk him down the road and back for ten mins, get off, and pat him, with a titbit, finish on that note! Its about trying to go back to square one and have small tiny goals, for a couple of weeks before very slowly building on them.

I think perhaps just a classic case of asking too much too soon of a good natured horse and not recognising the signs when he said it was too much for him.

Im sure others will have completly different views!

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Very long:)

He sounds to me that for now, while he is still so young and not able to work much, that he probably needs more time out being a horse, he may well get better as he matures and can really work to occupy his energy and brain.

You obviously need him at a yard, I presume it is your trainers he is at, could there be another option somewhere with decent turnout where he could be out all day or night with the facilities you need to work him.
It may be that he is not relaxed in this yard for some reason and a change may be all he requires to settle back to working with you rather than arguing about everything, which is how it appears he is now.

You said you had the vet re. his back did he just have rest or was he treated by a physio, if no treatment I would definitely get it looked at.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2006
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Thank you for taking the time to read and answer :)

kerilli : thank you, thats kind of what I was thinking..just bored and he is a horse that gets bored very easily ! I can hack from the livery it's just quite far away so if I was to just hack him I'd rather have him at home - could then transport him twice a week to yard. He is good and I don't want to rush him as think this would create more problems. He was sore before which triggered the nasty negative behaviour, but this is just negative behaviour, I'm pretty sure everything is fine, has had 2 different vets and both agree he is physically fine, physio, dentist, farrier, osteopath...he has had everything, and nothing as been found since his pelvis - maybe he is remembering this ?! But today he only did it on one rein...and was fine once he was in his comfort zone on a circle. I will try more hacking from the yard, allready had one planned tomorrow ! And just keep varying his "work" and making it interesting !

seabsicuit2 : Thank you :) Mentally I agree he is not ready to be pushed in his work. He does only do about 15mins as if he is pushed he gets tired and shuts down! I try not to fight with him as there is no point, I don't normally push him too hard, but he felt nappy and as soon as he calmed down and worked well for a bit we finished...it's just frustrating, I want to end on a good note but not have a battle to get there !! hmmm not sure I'm asking too much of him though, maybe the cantering around the school - but was advised by vet! I would expect a 4 year old to be able to trot round the school and circle and different letters! However maybe his brain hasn't caught up with his body yet and this is his way of saying no not yet. Will keep in mind what you have said thank you :)


Well-Known Member
28 December 2006
you take this road, then that road
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Very long:)

He sounds to me that for now, while he is still so young and not able to work much, that he probably needs more time out being a horse, he may well get better as he matures and can really work to occupy his energy and brain.

You obviously need him at a yard, I presume it is your trainers he is at, could there be another option somewhere with decent turnout where he could be out all day or night with the facilities you need to work him.
It may be that he is not relaxed in this yard for some reason and a change may be all he requires to settle back to working with you rather than arguing about everything, which is how it appears he is now.

You said you had the vet re. his back did he just have rest or was he treated by a physio, if no treatment I would definitely get it looked at.

T/O certainly felt as though it helped before I rode, so agree this would be the ideal situation but unfortunately there is nothing where I live. This yard is already 30mins away and full livery :/ It is not my trainers yard - waiting for it to be built then he will be at trainers!

He is really relaxed until something changes when you are riding him...he was backed in the same school last year and we had no problems...it's been since he went back in March.

Yes he had it treated, first by an osteopath and then by a physio to make sure everything was back in order. He is much nicer to ride (when he feels good and not negative!) and swings properly across his back since he was treated.

I'm starting to feel he's very bored and not getting enough T/O...will have a talk to YO and see if he can be out more during the day

Thank you :)