Opinions on buying an older horse


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13 December 2013
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Having just had a bad experience buying an unpredictable mare I have found a lovely 15yr old gelding who seems prefect in every way. I only have two worries about 1) he is slightly cold backed- is fine with rugs/grooming just needs his girth lose for a few minutes once your on. My vet say this can sometimes be used as in excuse for bucking. He will buck in canter if hes fresh.
2)- he has a sarcoid underneath his front legs. It hasn't grown in the 7yrs the lady has owned him. My vet also says not to rule him put because of this and that it's in a place where tack cannot rub and tends to cause problems in younger horses.
I was wondering what people's views where on buying a slightly older horse with these slight issues.
My main reason he is so perfect is because of his jumping and temperament. I want to buy my horse for life now so am being very careful in picking the perfect boy.


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15 July 2010
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I like to have an older been there done that horse alongside a younger version as then I get the best of both worlds. 15 isn't too old you could have lots of great years with one of that age.

I don't know much about sarcoids, that would put me off a bit. Is he grey? I hear they are very common in greys. If it has been stable for 7 years and it is in a 'good' location that sounds encouraging. I know of someone who bought a horse with a sarcoid and he was at a cheaper price because of it, they have had no problems with it so far, he is a similar age.


Well-Known Member
11 July 2013
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Wouldnt put me off, older horses nowadays are in 20's! We had an older one for my daughter, he was 14 and an absolute star, melanomas discovered after we;d bought him and cold backed ish, but after working him for 6 months and a proper saddle fitting, correct feed, no problems. I tend to go with temperament though..melanomas still not giving him any problems..also know of a few pals with sarcoid horses, no problems as long as you keep an eye on his health..Giid luck


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13 September 2011
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For me the sarcoid wouldnt be the issue if its remained the same for 7yrs. It would be the cold back issue- ive known several and its very often a symptom of something else which I want investigated before buying a horse for jumping


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15 September 2009
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Wouldn't touch the sarcoid and wouldn't touch the cold back-why would you want to ride a horse who is in discomfort every time you ride? Quite often cold backed horses turn out to have back problems.


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13 December 2013
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Ok thank you I have done some research into cold back horses and the thoughts are all very different however most articles etc suggest that it is often caused by teeth, back, tack , past history and in general with the root cause found and corrected to solves the problem. Ok on the subject would you say £1800 would be reasonable or not for a horse like this


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2 January 2014
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I have had a horse with sarcoids and personally would not buy one with them again. Even if it is just the one, which mine started as. It ended up costing a fortune having them removed and checked and the treatment cream alone costs a lot. If they're un nervy and aware of them too, you normally can't do the cream yourself so have to keep relying on the vet which then call out bills soon add up. Although, i wouldnt be put off at all by a 15 year old.. they've got lots of fun in them!
Good luck! :)


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3 October 2012
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Personally his age wouldnt put me off, 15 isnt old, lol. The sarcoid wouldnt put me off either with the knowledge that it hadnt changed in 7 years (high flouride toothpaste would probably make it fall off in a week!)

His price, well im not convinced i would pay £1800 for him. Have you looked at others in this price range? It really is a buyers market at the moment and for £1800 you could easily pick up something that isnt cold backed, with a sarcoid and 15 years old.

Have you discussed with your vet about his price or the person you went to see him with? Having had a bad experience buying already you really should be taking someone with experience with you to see these horses ... perhaps a riding instructor or yard owner/ manager?


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13 December 2013
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Hi yes I took my jockey friend with me who knows me and my riding well we have seen a few horses which he's said no too and this one is the best. I think having hearing people views I would rather wait for one and not take the risk thanks everyone


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15 April 2013
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15 isn't old but it depends what the horse has done, if it's legs are clean and there's no stiffness, I don't think the age is a problem and at least you know what your getting, not like with a youngster. I bought a 12 year old some time ago, he developed a small sarcoid between his legs in the first year which I had surgically removed and 3 years on, no further problem. My horse is also funny about being girthed but I wouldn't describe him as cold backed, I tighten the girth slowly. However, he was very tight in his back when I bought him and I asked vet to check very carefully that there was no problem before I bought him. Four years on he's still funny about being girthed but he's loose in his back, well muscled and frankly moves better than when i bought him and i'm hoping to have fun with him for a good many years to come. Good luck if you go ahead and buy your boy, I hope it all works out well.


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31 August 2008
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His age would not put me off at all but his price certainly would.

I bought a 15 year old CBx mare 3 years ago for £800. She had an awful back but is 100% in every other way she's a real all rounder and been the seen it all type no vices what so ever has given me my confidence back and taught my bf to ride. She's slow and steady for beginners but will go out and jump a 3ft course when asked too! (Back is great now that she's had a new saddle and regular visits from the back man.)

I really think this horse sounds lovely and perhaps is perfect for you and if it's meant to be the owners will understand your concerns about the issues and reduce the price...? (My mare started out at £2200 they dropped her to £1500 in the advert I replied to and then even further still when I rode her fell in love and they could see we were right for each other).

As someone else has said it's a buyers market and there are plenty of healthy good riding horses going for silly money! (I got given a fabulous hacking horse this summer who is 100% in every way and has started jumping too!)

Please don't loose hope if it doesn't work out with this horse. When I was looking for my mare I looked at over 50 horses before she chose me.

I believe in fate and when the right life long partner comes along everything will be easy and just fall into place for you, don't force it, that's when things go wrong in my experience.

Good luck in your search!


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
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It seems a shame if you've had a vet you trust and a respected, experienced friend both say that the horse is fine and then you're put off by a load of strangers on a forum.

Fifteen is not old.
£1800 is not a fortune for a good horse. The issues are not massive IMO.
Slight cold backed can be sorted.
A saccoid that has sat there for years, that the vet has seen and isn't worried about would not bother me.

My gelding has had a small sarcoid for over six years. He had three when we bought him (all tiny. Vet warned us about them but thought he would be ok). A previous pony had one sarcoid that was removed very cheaply. A friend that had a horse with a sarcoid has got rid with a supplement. Unlesss they are big and the horse is young they don't worry me too much.