opinions on my situation re-farriers please


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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Sorry, this is like my third post on farriers today, please forgive me but really need your opinions on this.

I have been using my current farrier for about a year. Made the change to him from my last farrier as he was leaving my horses toes very long and it was causing problems for my horse. For the past 6 months other people have been commenting about how unreliable he is and I defended him as he had always been great. Up until last month. My horse lost a shoe about 3 weeks after she was shod. To be honest I think it was because of his shoeing anyway as he had left a bit of the shoe over hanging the hoof and she must have stood on it in the stable over night. So I try to ring him. Leave message after message on his mobile... with his wife, with his son.. one him answer phone. 3 WEEKS LATER he gets back in touch with me. It's so obvious that he avoided me long enough so that when he came it would be time for them both to be shod and he could leave with £110 of my money instead of having to come half way between shoeing dates just to replace one shoe (he lives about 20 miles away).

So eventually he phones up and arranged to come out. When I do get in touch eith him he is very good, will come 2 or three days later. He also comes at a weekend for me which is great as I am 3 hours drive away at uni during the week. When he did come there was no apology for not eing able to get in touch with him.

So now it's 2 - 3 weeks since the horse was shod and I am in need of a farrier again. A few months ago she lost a chuck of shoe when she pulled a shoe. He filled it with some stuff and it was fine. But now the filler has come out. Tried to ring him earlier and spoke to his wife who said he would ring me back tonight. I know he's off on holiday very soon and I have a feeling he wont ring me back.

Is it just me or is this very unreasonable?

My problem is I don't know of another farrier. There are a couple of others that cover my area. One is only down here on a tuesday with is no good to me and the other is well known for having a bit of a temper with the horses.

gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hate living in the middle of nowhere! I just want a reliable farrier!


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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Time to get tough - ring him and leave a message to say what the problem is and that you understand that he is about to go on holiday but that the Farriers Code of Conduct says they have to provide cover when they go away (which is true)! Say if he can't come up very soon, or arrange for someone to cover him, then you will have to contact the FRC!

However, you have to be prepared to accept whatever time he offers you - no good saying "I can't do this time, I can't do that time".


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
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That's definately unreasonable, but by the looks of it you're stuck with him and he knows it

Keep searching for another one though, looking everywhere possible and asking others locally.

good luck believe me I know how frustrating the farrier situation can be.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2006
South Africa
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I really feel for you, I read your earlier post and it must be an awful situation.

If there are no other farriers around its a really difficult situation, but by the sounds of it he isnt shoeing your horses properly anyway.

Are you sure there are no others near you?


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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Mistletoe.. I have been ringing every 15 mins since 6 o clock! Yes, slightly stalker styley but I don't care lol. He isn't answering hos house phone or his mobile. Have left a message on his mobile too. I always accept what ever time he gives me. I am currently on holidays so it doesn't matter when he comes.


Well-Known Member
15 June 2005
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Some farriers are reluctant to go to a single horse but happy to attend a full yard (others prefer it the other way round!) so ask him if this is the case with him. If there is a large yard near by ask if you can be included in farrier going to them. It can be very handy as they are on yard usually once a week. When we lived a mile from a big riding school that is what we did, and it saved us from many a crisis. Could be with a try!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Can only offer sympathy I'm afraid.. We ended up taking two horses at a time 40 miles to the good farriers, it cost a fortune in diesel but one was so badly shod by our then farrier we had no choice but to take her for remedial shoeing. Then we found a wonderful farrier who lived 25 miles away, initially he was great and coped with the remedial horse fine, then one day he didn't arrive and I couldn't get hold of him. We were off to a competition that next day so i persisted the whole of the day like you, ringing every so often.
Eventually I left a message through his door explaining ifhe couldn't come, fine, but ring me to say so. He rang and reckoned his mobile had been in his glove compartment (obviously thought I was stupid,) and admitted the distance was too far as it wasted time travelling, and he didn't really want to come again.
I did understand and now we have a lady farrier who arrives on time and is lovely with the horses.
In your position I would ask around, often someone is newly qualified and building up a client base, ring the Farriers' Council to ask.
For now you are stuck, but keep searching.