opinions please!!


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14 January 2012
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My husband and I are hoping to purchase South Wales Equestrian Centre , Heolycyw. We would really appreciate anybodies views on the success of any business venture.We plan to run a livery service, riding school and use the large indoor school as a competition venue(initially for non affiliated shows)
We know the business has been successful in the past.Is there a need for such a place in the Bridgend area?? Would you consider using it?? Any ideas or opinions greatly appreciated!!Thanks.:)


Well-Known Member
10 October 2006
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Good luck with your venture. No business advice, but from visiting many EC's I like somewhere that has good parking with good surfaces, esp when you are visiting with a horse box or lorry. I like things to be clearly signposted, again, nothing worse than wondering where you should be going when you are towing. Also things like toilets, reception/office and water should be easy to identify.

We have a venue close by that has been taken over in the last few years. It was always nice but very, very tired and one of the worst things was having to plought through mud to get to the indoor arena. When I last visited it was absolutely transformed and I imagine they are doing well as I am sure it has cost a fortune, they always seem to have a lot on. Not sure if I can name the venue so I will PM you.