Opinons please!! Young or old??


Well-Known Member
1 August 2006
North Yorkshire
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Good Afternoon all,

Im 22years old and have showjumped most of my life-I jumped sucessfully BSJA as a Junior , brought on novices to JA level and Jumped on the 138cm Home Pony International teams for a couple of years. Since Leaving Juniors i carried on Jumping my 148 JA unaffilliated to great success , However after recently selling him to a fab home ( Felt a tad big on him although im only 5'7" and under 9stone ) to a ten year old who is winning everything on him!

I need some advice on bravely moving into the new world of Horses!! I dont weather to get a baby or Get a older ex grade A that will win 1.20/1.25 all day long to show me the ropes. I Know its a million and one chance that i will ever find a horse capable of sucessfully competiting at 1.40plus so i would prefer to be the best as possible , "knowing your market" so to speak and maybe get a older one that i know can do it.....but ultimatley i will kissing my money goodbye, as if i did get a older i wouldnt just sell it on when he/she doesnt want/cant do it anymore.

Whats everyones advice??
Just think young horses are an absolute Joke of a price nowadays aswell!! x


Well-Known Member
29 September 2006
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depends if you want to get straight back out there and win go for the older horse, but if you want more of a project then go for the younster. If i were you i would go for the older more experienced horse, you could always breed from it if you got a mare and being grade A should give you a decent price for the foal or you could raise it yourself and have a younster too best of both worlds. good luck let us know what you buy


Well-Known Member
4 October 2003
New Forest
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I would say it depoends on how many horses you've ridden and how much experience you've had on them. Ponies can be very different to horses, you have obviously got a lot of experience on them, but you don;t mention anythign about riding horses. I would say go for the more experienced horse to start with. Try and get one on loan if you can, it will get you out and about and competing and if you show any talent you'll be amazed how many people would be keen for you to ride theirs.

They do come up for loan, sounds like my mare Hannah would have been perfect for you, sadly (for you)I loaned her out a couple of months back and is doing fab in her new home, but they do come up from time to time so worth looking around.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2006
North Yorkshire
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Yeah Loaning would be a great opportunity....Just need to be in the right place at the right time!!

Ive had experience of horses, im currently riding a fab German youngster that my friend is struggling to find time to do , he was like a plank of wood , and ive only been riding him twice a week for a month and his dressage has improved so much and happyly popping 1.10m! Although i dont think he is a out and out jumper though......