Ouch...aching after weekend...


Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
Harrietsham, Kent
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My naughty horsey decided it would be funny to dump me in a field on hack and bugger of home with out me
Luckily we were not far from the yard and she walked most of it, actually looking in drive ways, obviously thinking 'hmm is this place mine'....i ended up in the back of some poor old couples car driving slowing after neddy and then luckily a passer by caught her at the top of our hill.... HAVE TO SAY IT WAS MY WORST NIGHTMARE, but thankfully nothings broken and it wasnt busy on the lane that day...phew

Has anyone else had this happen? Girly is prone to exciting bucks here and there, hence why i dont often canter on hacks..but think i'll be putting her martingale on from now, just for somthing to hold onto lol


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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ive never come off out hacking, but my friend had a nasty accident a couple of weeks back resulting in her mare having staples in her face and my friend going to hospital in an ambulance. mare went home on her own and turned up back at the yard covered in blood, it wasnt very pleasent. Luckily my friend was hacking with someone who had a mobile on her so she called for help and stayed with my friend.

hope you are ok, im sure your stiffness will go and you will feel fine tomorrow


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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This has happened to me before and it is definatley my worst nightmare.

me and my friend were riding about 2miles away from home down a little secluded path and then two men let their dogs off knowing that they would scare our horses. I watched my friend fall off her horse thinking my horse wasnt going to do anything. Yeah right!! anyway my horse decided to follow my friends horse put slipped and fell on top of me onto a muddy banking lucky really otherwise It could have been serious. Anyway they both ran home down very busy roads but luckily it was first thing sat morning so not as busy as they could have been. A nice man picked us up drove us home which is were we found them..Mine minus reins a very sore mouth due to standing on reins and very sweaty and my friends with a little nick on his leg were he has overreached. I was so frigtening. I couldnt move for about 3 days and has a horrid big bruise on my leg and ended up going to hospital as i couldnt feel anything when I touched it. Sorry a bit of a long one but very scary and both horse where fine really for what they went through. V ery naughty too.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2006
Somewhere else
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there is definately something in the air at the mo!! In two years at our yard no-one has ever done that but in one week it happened to two of us and the girl down the road!!

Jack and I were having a nice canter up one of the fields two weeks ago and a motorbike went past on the road and it was all the excuse Jack needed to buck a couple of times and dump me. He even waited by me until I could breath again and had moved before he buggered off and left me with about a mile to walk home!! it was like he was checking I was still alive before he left me there.


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3 April 2003
South East
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I'm lucky that my girl is rather greedy - I came off her on a hack a couple of years ago and she decided to eat grass rather than b*ggering off home!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Never happened to me but it happened to two of my friends.

First friends horse went rodeoing across a field, friend came off and horse galloped home down a dual carriage way. Luckily one of the girls we were with had a faster horse so caught him before he hit the village.

Second friend got of her horse as he was having a fit (didn't know that at the time), he came round and galloped off down the same dual carriage way. He ended up back at the yard covered in blood and with a fractured leg. Turned out he had epilepsy (sp).

My horse has got loose and galloped out of the yard before, i ran after him down the lane but luckily he got scared before he hit the main road and came galloping back.


Well-Known Member
9 November 2005
North West
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poor you! how you feel better soon!
this has happened to my friends twice. one time, me and two friends were riding down a river estuary, which you have to cross a very busy road to get to. dan was riding chezney, who was a really difficult horse at the time!

we were halfway across the river (it was low tide) when chez started to buck, rear and spin and dan fell off. chez galloped towards the road.

i then galloped after him - dont know if that was a good idea at the time but i did catch him! it was like something out of a movie.

something else happened with chez, hes a good boy now but he was hair raising back in the day! it is horrible when you have no control over horses and they just run back home. if only they kept to the side of the road!


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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my friends young horse dumped her a couple of years ago and it just galloped off. as it was a friday they had to call the police to close off the roads and got the police helicopter out looking for him. they searched for him for over an hour and then got a phone call from YM saying: where r u? your horse just wandered back into the yard and is standing in his stable!!

little bugger!!!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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My hubby had competed his old TB at a local XC course and was hacking home. Really luckily he had crossed the main road when horsie threw a bit of a wobblie, bucked, slipped and sat down and D fell off. Horsie was about 2 miles from his livery yard at that stage which he covered at a spanking canter. He passed his previous owner out hacking (trotted past her), cantered on, got all the right turns and ended up standing in the yard without a mark on him. D was also unhurt and managed to hitch a lift back. We have always thought it was hilarious that he knew his way home so well, and wouldn't even stop to speak to his ex owner.
He was a smart old so and so though and knew how to look after number 1. Wouldn't like it to happen with any of the horses I have at the moment though.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
I had that wiht my pony she turned and bloted with me dumping me in a tree i was in agony, my mate left me and galloped after pony, when she come back i'd gone was in shock.

Bad star, ha would have chuckled if i was coming to see you and saw star wondering up the hill,