Ouch. Possibly most ridiculous horse related injury ever.


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10 December 2008
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Am sitting with my leg iced and elevated as I have just torn my calf muscle trotting the horse up for the vet. It's been tight for a few days and just pinged. I'd love to say it was tight after a really tough gym session, but it was after gardening :eek: . Am feeling sorry for myself so please cheer me up with more stupid injuries.


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2 January 2011
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Ouch! Poor you! I tore my ankle when younger by practising my 'Oliver' dance moves for school production- not too bad you say, legitimate injury. Alas I was practising in stupid ill fitting but cool at the time 'skate shoes' (big ugly clunky things) whilst in a textiles lesson (supposed to be sewing) but I got bored and pranced about singing (badly) 'food glorious food' (I was a bit chubby at the time, puppy fat if you will) and went ass over tit. Had to be carried down the 6 flights of stairs (old school, no lift) by paramedics and a teacher. Eugh. Took a while to live it down! Have since lost said puppy fat, but have been left will weak ankle ever since!


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10 February 2013
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ouch. I hope it settles and doesn't cause you too much pain. It will also probably be worse tomorrow!

I was pushing a horse back using my hand when it jumped forward against my outstretched hand. My thumb made a snapping sound and it bent the wrong way for a second before pinging back the right way. Id broken the bone and completely torn the ligament. I spent the next 6 weeks in plaster and now i have a dodgy right thumb that is sore constantly and will probably give me arthritis. :(


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2 January 2011
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Oh and I also got a horrific cut up my nose with secondary infection spreading to cheek area due to pulling out HUGE brambles with too much zeal. Had great gloves on and thought I was the boss over these brambles. Wrong. Pulled too hard and landed on my bum after pulling too hard and bramble coming up and into my nostril. I was hideous for a while! Thankfully no scarring!


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29 December 2011
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I once tore a ligament in my shoulder when I decided to lead my (then) horse over a low jump in the field. Horsey obligingly trotted after me towards the jump, I leapt over it, but he refused and ran out pulling my arm back at a very uncomfortable angle. Fast forward though several very painful sessions with a physio to get my arm working properly again. Never again. I feel your pain OP.


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2 April 2014
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Black eye caused by standing next to my horse doing up the girth on a wet day! Hand slipped up the girth strap and I thumped myself in the eye!


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10 December 2008
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Am having a little chuckle at all your expense. Thank you for cheering me up. It's not too bad unless I try to stand on it. At my mum's at the moment, had to come to pick dog up, not too sure how I'll drive home. I've got a defender with a VERY heavy clutch and it's my left leg:(


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2 January 2011
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Black eye caused by standing next to my horse doing up the girth on a wet day! Hand slipped up the girth strap and I thumped myself in the eye!

Haha that is awesome!! Kind of thing I would do! I hope you had no lasting injury and I apologise for laughing, but it's a great image!


9 July 2012
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I suffered a broken toe when my Welsh Section D trod on my foot very firmly as we went through a gateway.... I had been trotting him up for the vet (vague lameness) so I had to get a fellow livery to lunge him for me :D


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10 December 2008
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Black eye caused by standing next to my horse doing up the girth on a wet day! Hand slipped up the girth strap and I thumped myself in the eye!

I've done that too. And broken my toe when my old boy, who always walked off when I got on, stood still instead and I threw myself right over the other side. Hmm maybe this horse lark isn't for me.


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17 November 2014
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At my mum's at the moment, had to come to pick dog up, not too sure how I'll drive home. I've got a defender with a VERY heavy clutch and it's my left leg:(

2nd gear and try not to stop? :D

My stupidity: ages ago just for fun I was running horse at jump, horse gets excited and breaks into canter. I cannot keep up so horse is pulled towards me accidentally by leadrope, treads on me bringing me down and I get trampled by half ton of cob. He did his best not to tread on me and I was fine with only one hoofprint on my leg. Luckily he is unshod! Got to watch him ping excitedly over the jump on his own before he came back to me :D
Last edited:


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6 February 2012
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I detached the extensor tendon from the tip of my middle finger while sifting the stray bits of poo out of a stable bed using my hands. Worked away until all poo lifted, then took the gloves off and couldn't straighten the finger, it just drooped pathetically (I believe it's called a "drop finger"). Had to have it splinted straight for 6 weeks - which was mighty inconvenient with a horse on box rest. Fortunately it healed fine and now straightens as well as it ever did but it was a weird injury (weirder, if anything, for all the sympathy I got because of the splint although it was a completely painless injury).

Gift Horse

Well-Known Member
30 October 2013
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ouch :-( I hope it heals quickly. Did the horse trot up sound at least? not a bad or painful injury but I recently got a broken tooth from an ill mannered horse throwing its head around. Don't know how he caught me one minute I'm poulticing a foot with OH holding the horses head next minute I'm spitting bits of tooth. I felt a right fool, I usually react a bit quicker.


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23 December 2012
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I had a horse refuse a jump on Saturday.. went onto his neck and smacked my lip on his very muscular neck - ouch top lip kills!

Not horsey but I dislocated my knee getting into bed! :D


Wasting my time successfully....
23 July 2011
Somewhere south of the middle
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Am sitting with my leg iced and elevated as I have just torn my calf muscle trotting the horse up for the vet. It's been tight for a few days and just pinged. I'd love to say it was tight after a really tough gym session, but it was after gardening :eek: . Am feeling sorry for myself so please cheer me up with more stupid injuries.

I am sure I've done something equally daft (sorry!), but I can't remember at the moment....


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16 December 2005
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Non horse related but I tripped over a rabbit hole back in January, managed to stop myself from actually falling over and in the process somehow ripped my right side intercostal muscles. GP who I finally saw after it continued to get worse for 10 days found it ever so slightly amusing. Still hurt occasionally now.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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ouch :-( I hope it heals quickly. Did the horse trot up sound at least? not a bad or painful injury but I recently got a broken tooth from an ill mannered horse throwing its head around. Don't know how he caught me one minute I'm poulticing a foot with OH holding the horses head next minute I'm spitting bits of tooth. I felt a right fool, I usually react a bit quicker.

Not 100% but much better than 10 days ago so heading in the right direction. Still on box rest though. Luckily it's my share horse and his owner's doing the mornings so I just have to get him in from his little paddock in the evenings and he's a darling to lead the 30 or so metres from paddock to stable. YO is going to let me drive down to hay fields to check my boy so that's a help as it's 5 mins down a steep hill. She did offer to check him but I like to see him. Thank god it's not my horse on box rest, he'd be unmanageable even if I could walk!


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Careful if blood pools or you see lividity at the bottom of the calf. Tearing a muscle is ridiculously painful, made me limp for days, horse spooked, so did I, muscle just pinged apart, I think. Hope you heal up soon.


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9 August 2013
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I once tore a ligament in my shoulder when I decided to lead my (then) horse over a low jump in the field. Horsey obligingly trotted after me towards the jump, I leapt over it, but he refused and ran out pulling my arm back at a very uncomfortable angle. Fast forward though several very painful sessions with a physio to get my arm working properly again. Never again. I feel your pain OP.

Very similiar - but it was my bum. Jumped off endurance horse to start running down hill, horse was distracted by a clump of grass, I started running and (just like in a cartoon !), horse didn't and I ended up on my bum. On the rocks - some very spectacular bruising.


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2 May 2007
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'Not horsey but I dislocated my knee getting into bed!'

That really made me giggle!

I broke my 'romanesque' nose during x country event when my horse threw her head up just as I was leaning forwards. After surgery and splint hey presto, I had a straight nose!
Two years later exactly the same thing happened on a hack.... after having it re-set again I was back to the slightly wonky Baroque look :)


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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I was once "flag training" a Police horse. He was having extra training as he was nervous of said flags. The session had gone really well, and I went to clear up. In fact he was so good I decided to clear up whilst leading the horse.

The exercise was going well, I had horse in one hand and flags and cones in the other, when I tripped, and fell on top of the horse.

Poor horse, one minute he was feeling good about flags the next the flags attacked him, wrapping themselves round his head and neck like a crocodile finishing off it's prey.

He leaped out of the jaws of danger, I did not let go, and was flipped up off my seated position on the grass like so cartoon character.

It broke the top clean off my arm bone. Oh, the pain. The horse high tailed it off up the yard, so pain or not I had to go see to him. I was 6 weeks off.


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13 November 2010
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My foot slipped while I was climbing over my (metal) gate a few weeks ago. Not only did I land with an eye watering crunch astride the gate, but I then got a bit of a side to side wobble on, and fell off the gate, landing at Alfs feet. He was most ungallant - snorted and ran away, rather than offering sympathy, and a sturdy leg to haul myself up by.


Wasting my time successfully....
23 July 2011
Somewhere south of the middle
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Is it so wrong that I am loving this thread?

I have in the past discovered that I cannot run in wellies. More specifically, I cannot jump.

I found this out while leading my daughter over a jump. She managed it more elegantly than I did.... SPLAT!


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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I was on my pony opening a metal gate. Pony put his nose on a mains electric fence that I hadn't noticed was near the gate. The electric shock I got clamped my fingers around the gate as he spun round and shot off. I was wrenched halfway off the pony by my arm and to add to the indignity completed the journey down as the pony ran past a concrete drainage channel landing in the bottom of it. I had a wrenched shoulder and a goodly collection of bruises but fortunately nothing that wouldn't mend. It took pony a while to be happy opening gates again though. I didn't realise what had happened at first, I thought I'd got the electric shock from the gate.


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20 July 2009
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I am hobbling at moment after a heavy container door flew back into me in the wind and whacked me in the left knee...lovely bruises but the after pain is awfull, soft tissue injury doc said, was packing up all horsey stuff after cleaning out container!
Painkillers and get on with it I've been told! Would love to rest it but can't afford time off work...


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14 May 2015
North Wales
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When I was bout 14/15 I went from jumping a 16.3hh one eyed horse one day to riding a 12hh pony the next... stirrups were too small so I figured I'd ride without. The pony had a really bouncy trot so when it cantered on it's own I thought at least it's comfier! Cue a little bucking fit and as I came off I caught my foot between me and the saddle. Ponies owner was a nurse and convinced I'd broken my ankle so took me home to wait for my dad to take me to hospital. He walked in an hour later took one look at me and said you wimp that's not broken and I'm not spending hours in A&E for you to get some paracetamol haha! There was a few weeks of getting up and down the stairs on my bum but was just a sprain don't think I'd be so cocky about small ponies again though haha forgot it's like balancing on a gate! :D


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20 April 2012
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My OH is currently off work sporting a nasty ligament injury whilst trying to stop a runaway pony, seriously not sure who was galloping faster him or pony, all ended when legs gave way and he did an impressive slide through the grass where pony promptly stopped :)


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21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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annagain, I feel your pain. I tore a calf muscle falling off and couldn't drive home from the yard because of my very heavy Defender clutch. Luckily OH has an automatic so came up and we swapped cars. Calf went black and I hobbled for few days but driving was the worst thing!

My most ridiculous one though was when horse spooked at barking dog and came down on the road. We were on a blind bend and I was far more concerned for his safety than my own. Fortunately, the friend with me caught him while I picked myself up. I knew I had broken my little finger but checked horse, got back on and we carried on the ride. It wasn't until I got home that night that I found the pain in my hip was from an ignition shaped key where my car keys had stabbed me quite deeply!