Ouch! The pony fell on me.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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The yellow pony fell on me this morning when we were out hacking. I dont quite know how it happened but he was looking at the parked lorry that we were walking past and then he seemed to either stop concentrating and go down or he went to spook properly but got it wrong and went down. My knee seems to have taken the most of it and is currently under a bag of sweetcorn, getting fat, as we have no ice pack and the pony seems to have got away relativly unscathed. Thankfully he had his xc boots on so his legs were protcted and the vets due to give him his vaccinations tomorrow so I'll get him looked at then.

Sorry pointless post but my knee, elbow and hip hurts :mad: giant buttons on offer if you got this far :)

Paddy Irish

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24 February 2011
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Ouch - poor you - i suppose it could have been worse , at least your boy isn't hurt , not that i'm being tight but at least the NHS is free whereas your vet needs paying! Hope you feel better soon - arnica gel is good for the bruises , along with a big bar of choccy for the pain!


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20 April 2009
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Good work on giving the pony a soft landing, very dedicated of you:D

Ibuprofen might not be a bad idea, to help reduce any inflammation, and keep it propped up and well iced up:)


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
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The yellow pony fell on me this morning when we were out hacking. I dont quite know how it happened but he was looking at the parked lorry that we were walking past and then he seemed to either stop concentrating and go down or he went to spook properly but got it wrong and went down. My knee seems to have taken the most of it and is currently under a bag of sweetcorn, getting fat, as we have no ice pack and the pony seems to have got away relativly unscathed. Thankfully he had his xc boots on so his legs were protcted and the vets due to give him his vaccinations tomorrow so I'll get him looked at then.

Sorry pointless post but my knee, elbow and hip hurts :mad: giant buttons on offer if you got this far :)


Hope the knee, elbow and hip feels better soon!!!

Have some of my galaxy bubbles :D


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Good work on giving the pony a soft landing, very dedicated of you:D

This :D Only the speshul one could fall over because he was too busy looking at a parked lorry :cool: Bless his little cotton socks...

Hope the knee's not too badly damaged!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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HA yes I did give him a soft landing :rolleyes: unfortunatly for me the road wasnt as soft but at least I'm free to fix and hes not (I have rung the vets and they are going to check him over when they are out tomorrow even though he didnt even get a graze just a dirty shoulder). Thanks for all the virtual chocolate :D

JFTD - you still want him? I'll swap for any of yours if you want? ;)


Well-Known Member
5 January 2008
South of France
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Eeek! Poor you! I know exactly how you feel! Rusky slipped and fell sideways on a road years ago! He was fine but i had a painful ankle, knee, hip and knocked myself out!

Loads of hot baths and rest for you!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Well I've just offered JT J and D, so it would have to be Fergles :eek: I'm not sure he'd be an improvement on Speshul, tbh - his jumping would be a disappointment for sure :D

She can have D if she wants. She likes dun ponies and it would be more of a straight swap a dun for a dun. :)


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Aww poor D, nobody wants him :( Probably why he keeps trying to run away :eek:

I do want him. Just thought dh might prefer to have him. I'd take any of yours if you were to meet an untimely end or just decided to get rid. Or all of them in fact, they're loverly :)


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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Thanks for the well wishes every one I have managed to persuade the mothership that I dont need a doctor :D

JFTD - I'll have any of them there great little chaps. Fergs definatly has a better attitude than speshul :cool: and I like fergs so dont go making him feel unloved. JT can have J as she loves him and I could pretend I'm an amazing rider by having a rearing pony when we go out cos having a naughty pony makes you brilliant right?
Poor D has heard that his fantasy boyfriend has moved away so is coming to find his true love. I would have him though then I could have a collection of dun ponies and he would never run away as he is to obsessed by the spesh one :D.