Well-Known Member
this one is just a week late!
re-rewind 3weeks - i got up at stupid o'clock clipped and plaited the horse in anticipation for out first actual hunt together dad arrived with trailer and friend and we set off to the meet. we arrived and found we were the only ones there - so after managing to find some signal to call the sec she apologised profusley as she had forgotten to ring me to let me know that it had been cancelled due to hard ground, and as i wasnt on the mailling list i didnt get the email either so a quick call to a local xc course and we changed our course! the ground was superb, if anything a little on the spfter side so we had a lovely school round for half the price of the cap - although we must have looked quite daft in full hunting dress and plaited ponies mine even had a green ribbon in
fastforward a week pony already to go again night before - wake up the next morning with a throbbing head and a stinking cold which put paid to those plans again!
so fast forward another week which brings us to boxingday! by which point i am well and truly panicking! i have always wanted to do this hunt as have watched it for several years so was determined to go this year but our pre hunting run up had been somewhat interuppted! on the way i fretted about the ammount of feed she'd had and how disrupted it had all been and how disastrous it could be but she proved me wrong, we got there quite early so the car park was pretty empty but there were already alot of crowds which we managed to weave our way through without flattening everyone. task one accomplished. as we were waiting a girl approaced us and asked if we wernt jumping could she stay with us as her pony didnt jump, after warning her we were newbies, we had found a buddy to stick with as she was a bit more experienced than us. task 2. tick. it was all going welll! then the hounds arrived, which caused quite a stirr! horses were leaping around, fidgetting and going crazy. not mine though, stood like a rock! very proud. as we stood waiting a lady on a horse behind us who wouldnt stand still and was rearing ect commented that atleast i knew my horse was good in bad company! she was goood as gold with hounds running around her legs, one name abraham, sticks in my head as a naughty hound that kept running off! we moved off and she continued her goodness and thoughrly enjoyed her self, there was a lot of turning around and trotting! nobody warned me about the ammount of trotting, i did all the other checks, breaks, fitness ect think i was under the illusion that you cantered everywhere! lesson learnt! but she was a saint all day, nothing naughty and no over excited bits just a very lovely day! always pulled up easy didnt race and always went when asked cannot wait to get out again next week! we've continued our fittening programme so can hopefully stay out a bit longer next time! and what a lovely bunch you hunting folk are! just a couple of pictures from the meet taken by my mother, hence quality and the poor screen shotting is my computer - dont know whats up with it
im on the bay with lots of white my sister is on the dark bay with little bit of white on the face
re-rewind 3weeks - i got up at stupid o'clock clipped and plaited the horse in anticipation for out first actual hunt together dad arrived with trailer and friend and we set off to the meet. we arrived and found we were the only ones there - so after managing to find some signal to call the sec she apologised profusley as she had forgotten to ring me to let me know that it had been cancelled due to hard ground, and as i wasnt on the mailling list i didnt get the email either so a quick call to a local xc course and we changed our course! the ground was superb, if anything a little on the spfter side so we had a lovely school round for half the price of the cap - although we must have looked quite daft in full hunting dress and plaited ponies mine even had a green ribbon in
fastforward a week pony already to go again night before - wake up the next morning with a throbbing head and a stinking cold which put paid to those plans again!
so fast forward another week which brings us to boxingday! by which point i am well and truly panicking! i have always wanted to do this hunt as have watched it for several years so was determined to go this year but our pre hunting run up had been somewhat interuppted! on the way i fretted about the ammount of feed she'd had and how disrupted it had all been and how disastrous it could be but she proved me wrong, we got there quite early so the car park was pretty empty but there were already alot of crowds which we managed to weave our way through without flattening everyone. task one accomplished. as we were waiting a girl approaced us and asked if we wernt jumping could she stay with us as her pony didnt jump, after warning her we were newbies, we had found a buddy to stick with as she was a bit more experienced than us. task 2. tick. it was all going welll! then the hounds arrived, which caused quite a stirr! horses were leaping around, fidgetting and going crazy. not mine though, stood like a rock! very proud. as we stood waiting a lady on a horse behind us who wouldnt stand still and was rearing ect commented that atleast i knew my horse was good in bad company! she was goood as gold with hounds running around her legs, one name abraham, sticks in my head as a naughty hound that kept running off! we moved off and she continued her goodness and thoughrly enjoyed her self, there was a lot of turning around and trotting! nobody warned me about the ammount of trotting, i did all the other checks, breaks, fitness ect think i was under the illusion that you cantered everywhere! lesson learnt! but she was a saint all day, nothing naughty and no over excited bits just a very lovely day! always pulled up easy didnt race and always went when asked cannot wait to get out again next week! we've continued our fittening programme so can hopefully stay out a bit longer next time! and what a lovely bunch you hunting folk are! just a couple of pictures from the meet taken by my mother, hence quality and the poor screen shotting is my computer - dont know whats up with it
im on the bay with lots of white my sister is on the dark bay with little bit of white on the face