Our Futurity Report


Well-Known Member
30 December 2004
Over The Rainbow
Hope you have a good cup of tea or coffee for my small report…

Firstly would like to congratulate Jan on a very good evaluation. It was run very well despite the rain and I could not fault the evaluators at all. I thought that both Celia and Alison were fantastic, very polite, gave great explanations and put everyone at ease. I found the whole day very informative and would definitely support it again in the future. There were issues with the vettings, which have been reported direct to Jan, but I am not going to harp on about that on a public forum. On the whole it was a great day out despite the heavy rain all day.

The pics from the event are "ok".....not many good moving shots from many of the foals I felt. I tell you something white does not suit a larger lady like me...
...and you are not allowed to laugh at the pics I am in, because I hate them...
.....and that is me 4 stone lighter!!

I felt very sorry for poor Amelia as she was with the vet the whole day, and when I say the whole day, I mean from the back of 7am through to around 5.30pm! She and her hubby stood in the pouring rain and cold for hours! I have never seen such a long line of coffee cups…ha ha ha ha….which is not surprising to keep them warm!

Well what a busy week we have had working towards the Futurity.

It started off with Fancyman having a knock to his leg, and after speaking to Jan, she said it would be ok to still enter. If this had not been the case then Rotspons Prince was ready to go as well.

On Wednesday we had a TV crew at our Stud for several hours filming us preparing for the Futurity, this was to link in with them filming at Thursday’s evaluation. The producers and Jan Rogers felt it would be good to get the preparations towards a Futurity and also our thoughts on how we would perform on the day. We had quite a laugh with the presenter and film crew and it was amazing how quickly the hours went by.

On Wednesday evening we had a full house with heaps of people arriving to help get mares and foals ready, so we decided to have a BBQ for everyone. We had a convoy of three lorries taking the horses to the Futurity to make sure each mare and foal was traveling in comfort. In amongst all this poor Amelia and her lovely hubby, Lesley, arrived, as they stayed with us up until yesterday (hope you guys have arrived home safe and well). So they arrived amidst a mad house….LOL.

Thursday morning started at 5am with me and my wonderful helpers (for which I am eternally grateful!!) getting mares and foals plaited up. My fabulous mother-in-law then made bacon sandwiches for everyone before we went.

This was the first outing that any of our mares and foals had because we generally don’t take them anywhere. So first up to load was De Sote with our Fidertanz colt “Fancyman”. The mare loaded great and “Fendi” took a minute to be persuaded but eventually went in. Then we had Willisa Rosa with our Wallenberg filly “Diva Rosa”. Again got them loaded up without too much problems. Lastly was our older mare Linda with our Vision colt “De Vision”. He was a star and just walked in like he had been doing it for ages.

I was in my car so left about 20 mins after the lorries. It took a minute for me to catch up with the convoy but it did not take me long to find them, as they had about a mile of morning traffic behind them (as we had to get to Fountain for 8.20am…so rush hour into Aberdeen).

Anyway finally arrived and we were on straight away with our first foal. So first to go was Fancyman, followed by De Vision and then Diva Rosa. Could not have been happier with how the foals and the mares behavior was on the day, especially as it was the first time we had taken them anywhere.

Anyway during the first of our vettings the heavens opened, and when I say it was torrential I lie not! It was coming down in sheets, and everybody was soaked!!

I cannot remember all the scores because I never actually saw many of our score sheets as I was helping others at the evaluation with their horses, so can only remember certain details.

So first up in front of the evaluators was Fancyman. He is such a laid back dude, especially as his mother was getting fed up a bit. Anyway he was given marks of 8.5 and 9 for movement and type. The comment I remember was that the evaluators said he was the type they are looking for in a modern dressage horse. So he got a 1st Premium with a mark of 8. Had it not been for his vetting scores then he would have got his Elite.

MFS Fancy Man Pics

Next up was De Vision. Again very well behaved and boy did he trot out for the vet! On the score sheet it said “Nice Dressage Colt” by the vet. However, although he did well enough in the actual evaluation, receiving several 8’s and some 7’s the evaluators felt he was moving wide behind. So he was given a 2nd Premium and missed his 1st Premium by 0.25. We watched him walking outside afterwards and knew he was not right, and when we got him home he had bad “sea legs”, so we think the traveling and then going straight into the vet and evaluations was not good for him, and now wish we had him stabled before hand to allow him to get his bearings. He was also off colour yesterday and spent the day sleeping, and was a different foal this morning.

MFS De Vision Pics

Last up with Diva Rosa. Poor Diva had been standing in the pouring rain for ages before her turn in the indoor school. Anyway she performed very well and got 8’s and a 9 for her type and movement as a potential showjumper. Overall she scored 8.34 and got her 1st Premium. Again vetting played a key role in her marks coming down, as I believe she could have also got an Elite. The great news with this filly is that at the moment she is ranked 3rd place for the Championships, and she was also joint highest scoring showjumping foal on the day.

MFS Diva Rosa Pics

Besides our own foals, we also helped several others with their horses that we either bred or were by our stallions and the results were as follows:

MFS Carissa Rosa (bred by us) – Yearling filly, Received a 2nd Premium of 7.75 in eventing and 7.67 in showjumping, the owners were disappointed in the vet marks as she got good marks in her evaluations.

Coloured Vision (by our stallion MFS Vision) – Yearling colt, Received a 1st Premium of 8.28 in the dressage.

Wildwind Illusion (by our stallion MFS Vision) – Yearling filly, Received a 1st Premium of 8.02 for eventing.

Wildwind Horizon (by our stallion MFS Vision) – Filly foal, Received a 2nd Premium of 7.59 for dressage.

Now the next is really what made our day completely. Our wonderful two year old colt MFS B’Royal by our deceased stallion Royal Geneve out of a mare Octavia B that we sold last year.

This colt has been with us for two years, he was the only foal born in 2006 when we had our worst breeding year and was our breath of fresh air that year when things were so bad. Well we sold this colt about 2 weeks ago to a fantastic lady called Michelle who worships the ground this young horse walks on. She has been working away with him quietly while he has stayed with us, she turned him out to a high standard and boy did he perform for her.

“Cheeky” as he is called at home got “ok” vet marks and did exceptionally well in the arena, entered for both dressage and showjumping. He got his 1st Premium in both sections, scoring 8.87 in the showjumping and 8.65 in the dressage. He also got the highest scoring rosettes in each section on the day, and is currently leading in the 2 year old colt/gelding showjumping section for the Championships, and in second place currently in the 2 year old colt/gelding dressage section for the Championships.

This made our day, it was such a great feeling to see him doing so well. The evaluators stood him up in front of the audience and said that he was what they looked for in a showjumper and that he had many similarities in type to Baloubet du Rouet.

We have never had such a great sense of pride when we saw how well our homebred colt did, and Michelle told us that she entered him into the Evaluations as a thank you to us for letting her have such a wonderful horse. We then had Michelle’s parents come down to the stables and also thanked us for breeding such a wonderful horse that has now touched their hearts. It almost brought tears to my eyes!

Lastly we finished the day filming down in the stables with Diva Rosa so that they could find out how felt the day had gone.

So all in all a very good day barring the vetting. And something that we will definitely be supporting again next year.

We had a nice couple of day with Amelia and her OH, but its a shame I never met more of the HHOers.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
A fantastic report on a great day. So sorry for you all in the downpours, that must have been sapping let alone all the hard work and adrenaline churning around. Well done on such a good day.


Well-Known Member
7 May 2008
Many congrats - who were the vets?? (PM if you don't want to name them here!!)

Sounds like it was a successful day - am gutted I didn't get there (didn't even get to watch cos had to work all day

Will they be repeating this next year?

Looking forward to seeing you all on the telly
Maybe we could persuade them that white isn't flattering!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2007
Visit site
What a great report and smashing pic's. Pity about the rain, poor Diva is soaked...love the photo's of her showing off on the hind legs, giving everyone a wave

When will this be on the TV? Will it be on H&C?


Well-Known Member
31 August 2005
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Chelle she is one of my best friends & I can assure you she will do a fabulous job with Cheeky! Well done with your foals, they are all yummy!


Well-Known Member
2 March 2008
upside down
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I was there and had a good day. Mine didn't get the best vet mark either, but the evaluators were very nice about my boy.

I like my anonimity (sp) and therefore keep myself to myself, but I know who you all are!

Your foals were very smart Anastasia.


Well-Known Member
22 May 2007
Warwickshire, England
Wow, some super scores, you must be thrilled. I adore Diva Rosa - what a character she is even in those photos!

Glad it all went well and what a shame about the good old British summer weather.

It is hard when the evaluators only see the foal for those few minutes and we know ourselves if they are not moving as well as they do at home. Some foals go the other way and surprise everyone when they light up in the ring.

I think the vet marks and comments can often be a little confusing. I am sure Jan will act on your feedback from this year. But another congratulations and when do we get to see you on TV?


Well-Known Member
30 December 2004
Over The Rainbow
Thanks everyone for your comments.

Diva decided to show her acrobatics when she was loose...

And soaking wet jeans is NOT flattering for the larger lady!

The TV programme will be showing in October on BBC1 Scotland. If you have Sky or Cable then I think you can see it in the rest of the UK. I can easily post the details once they let me know......I mean there is nothing like embarrassing myself also on TV.....LOL
I am sure that I will be wincing when I hear myself....never mind see myself!

Unfortunately I cannot make it to the Champs due to other committments. Apparently I have been told it takes 11 hours from us down to Addington!! We would have come if we did not have a prior engagement. I am not sure but I think Chelle "may" take Cheeky down (as long as he is still qualified after Catherston), but that is not confirmed yet.

Yes there will be another futurity next year. We had a good amount of spectators and Jan said most had come along to see the format and would be entering next year. I have also spoken to several who will come back next year as long as the vetting part is sorted.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Gosh what a super report.
The pics are lovely, and how wonderful the two year old did so well, it must mean such a lot to you.
We've just delivered our old stallion's last ever offspring to the place where my daughter works so she can break and sell him, and it feels like the end of an era knowing he may never come hom again...
That's a very respectable record for your youngsters, and you have every right to feel proud.
Well done, results like that make all the sacrifice and hard work worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2004
Over The Rainbow
Thanks HH.....if you had seen my hubby's face when the two year old got his two 1st Premiums........he was almost in tears. Especially as Cheeky is by Geneve, who you know has such a big part of our hearts even though he is no longer with us. It was a big sense of pride for us...