I am a little angry at the mo - just prepared my horses feed for YO to give her tonight and noticed the bag of fast fibre i bought on Saturday was o.o.d on 24/11/2011 - now what am i supposed to do with it
i agree take it back and explain to them. They will refund or give you a replacement. I don't think retailers can sell ood goods without actually stating it and even then it's a bit of a dodgy thing to do. But yes, take it back
It should still be ok to use. Ive been using up my last bag that went out of date at begining of Oct. It smells and looks fine. Horse loves it and is absolutly fine
Thanks guys, i have just phoned the shop i bought it from - apparently its fine for her to eat so i can keep it - but i am gonna get a full refund as well - result!!