outdoor arena sand

lazy daisy

New User
12 March 2010
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Just about to put the surface down on my new self build arena and wondered what the alternatives to silica sand were.I am planning to put rubber on top but my nearest supplier (Sussex) of silica sand only has 48 tonne lorries which won't get down my lane and to bring it in smaller lorries is going to be mega expensive. Can anyone tell me what other types of sand are ok as I don't want to be digging it out again in 6 months time!Has anyone used other types and what are the pros and cons? Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
29 December 2009
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Unfortunately there is no substitute for the right grade of Silica Sand. I have heard many stories of people trying to cut corners by using building sands or poor grade Silica with disastrous results. It is a false economy to go for cheap sand as you will find yourself re-doing the arena a year later at twice the cost. Building an arena is an expensive business as it is so do it right the first time and you won't be forking out year on year trying to put it right.