my horse got an over reach injury while jumping a couple of weeks ago. its not healing very well and being a show horse i really want to heal without scarring, or scarring very little. i have been using alimitex and wound powder which hasn't been working very well, and a deromline cream from the vets which also hasn't made much difference. even when it does start to heal there are always lots of flies on it. someone suggested camrosa? what do you think???
(by the way... i wish i had put over reach boots on... but it wouldn't of mattered anyways because it above where over reach boots sit and below where brushing boots would sit... my luck!). i might get pastern wraps... good idea??
(by the way... i wish i had put over reach boots on... but it wouldn't of mattered anyways because it above where over reach boots sit and below where brushing boots would sit... my luck!). i might get pastern wraps... good idea??