

Well-Known Member
9 April 2013
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I am deep in thought today, the day before I PTS my 7 year old new forest pony Socks due to liver disease (suspected cancer).
It helped me to write something down so I thought I would share it here.

I am not a great writer and rarely think about words and their meanings. But today I have been thinking about the word ‘owner’: we often talk about owning animals, as they are technically objects that we possess. True, often money is exchanged to buy them and they don’t choose to be ‘owned’ by us, so it isn’t like a typical relationship between two people. But they do chose to love us, to look after us and to be our friends. Which in my mind constitutes a great mutual relationship. My animals are not my children. I did not carry or birth them, and they are in many ways easier to ‘replace’, I can buy another one, almost as easily as you buy a pair of shoes or a car. But there is no like for like, one will never truly replace the other. Because they are family. Each animal I ‘own’ has influenced my life for the better and in their own unique way. The one last gift I can give any of my fury four legged family is prevent them suffering, taking ‘ownership’ of a bad situation and letting them go peacefully, and as hard as it may be to say goodbye I am grateful I can make the decision, rather then elongating any pain. Because I’m not simply an owner, I am their friend and they are mine.

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Beautifully put. And I am very sorry but that to me is a true friend.
Thinking of you tomorrow on a difficult day.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2013
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So sad to hear about your pony, it's true, we "own" them, but I'd like to think if I set them free (especially Tinker) she would come back to find me 😍


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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Beautiful words, and I am so sorry you are losing your pony.

I never think of any of my animals as belonging to me, I think more that I am privileged to have them in my life and I treasure my time with them all.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Such true words and sentiment.

It's been a year of lots of friends this year and we, like you, will have one more before the year is out.

I send you hugs and strength for when you say goodbye to your friend xx


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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No, we don't own them anymore than we own our children. We have a duty of care and a responsibility for them but because we come to love them it never feels like that. At least it doesn't to me. We just want the best for them even if that means making a very hard decision on their behalf. I shall be thinking of you and your pony tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
9 April 2013
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Socks died peacefully at 10 this morning. His liver was so bad that even the tiny bit of sedation thy gave him before the big needle (while stood next to his mate eating carrots) kicked in within a minute and he rested his head in my arms for the injection. But this morning he came in from the field with a spring in his step for an extra big breakfast. so the timing could not be more perfect. My old boy who loved socks usually calls when I take him out, but this morning he was silent when we led socks away, he knew.

Still doesn’t feel real right now. I always read the posts on here when people have lost their beloved horses, still sinking in I’m one of them. It’s been a tough year of so much hope that my tank would recover and still be here for my little boys to ride and his fan club of other children. I lent on him in the field in labour with my first son two years ago: he was the perfect size!!! Much waters broke while looking after him this summer with my second. He taught me so much in his short life.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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glad it went as well as possible, its always hard but you have done the right thing. its a big shock when the reality sets in so look after yourself.....