Paddy Irish
Well-Known Member
Yesterday , trudging through wind and hail , i was so shocked to find Paddy - minus his rug The daft old knobber had only rolled himself clean out of it!! Anyway , needless to say , his attitude had dwindled from " hey look Fred what a clever boy I am " to " god i hope mother hurries up cos I'm bleedin freezing " ( he is sporting a high blanket clip )
I was greeted with bucking , broncing and rearing oh and also a half hearted kick out at the dog - which lead me to slightly lose the plot and shout at him!!
...his response , arched neck and snorting like a bull and trying to stare me down..anyway , more growling on my behalf , his ears soon dropped sideways a la Eeyore and he timidly followed me into the shelter for his tea and a dry rug! What a complete Muppet...
I was greeted with bucking , broncing and rearing oh and also a half hearted kick out at the dog - which lead me to slightly lose the plot and shout at him!!
...his response , arched neck and snorting like a bull and trying to stare me down..anyway , more growling on my behalf , his ears soon dropped sideways a la Eeyore and he timidly followed me into the shelter for his tea and a dry rug! What a complete Muppet...