Pah! All the best laid plansand all that


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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I posted recently about possibly having a part loan (can't afford full loan as I have Connie my retired mare and can't do two) anyway, lady on the yard has 3 horses, not enough time or money for them so put them on tinternet for sale/loan. So I asked her if she'd consider part loaning one (I offered £25 a week which covers his stable/grazing/haylage) and would do all his jobs every day plus obviously riding unless she planned to ride him (which she hasn't been doing regularly since September due to lack of time). I thought I was offering a pretty good deal and allowed her to keep him and do as much as she wanted to without the bother of mucking him out etc.

Well she's done a bit of a U turn and wants someone to take him on full time and all his costs... I'm gutted as she'd basically said if I get on with him ridden she wanted to go ahead. Never mind, just can't see any other options for regular riding now...


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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Thanks, we'll see, she's got someone coming to see him thus weekend (guessing she knew this was the case even when she was saying that she really liked my offer) not going to hold my breath, but will keep fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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Magicmillbrook - you were right - the owner has done a U-Turn, rode the horse this morning and I am just in the process of printing out the Loan agreement - starting from tomorrow I have a new neddy to ride! He's fab - just very very big!! sooooo excited!