part loan - help!


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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Hello there!

I've been reading posts on here for a few weeks now, and seeing as the answers are mostly friendly and informative, I thought i'd pose my own brainteaser! Here goes...

I deceided to get back into riding a couple of months ago after a break of about 5 years. After having a lesson at a local riding school, I was depressed at the thought of going back to all that after having my own in the past.

Rather than go out and buy a horse (which I would love to do!) I thought I'd be sensible and part loan for a few days a week until I found my feet.

I put out "wanted" adverts asking for people who wanted some help with their horses. Two people have responded so far, and I've had a ride/rides on both horses.

Horse X is a bit of a handful, ex-racer and probably a tad small for me. Also dumped me once so far.
Horse Y is more cobby and what I'm used too, although he is terribly cold-backed. Currently out of work except for the very occasisional hack.

Would you write off X and go with Y, or wait for horse Z?! It's so complicated because it's not just the horse I have to take into account, but the owner, yard, financial differences etc..

Any advice would be appeciated! Ta!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
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i would keep riding them if you feel confident on them and you can afford it and get on with owners etc, if this horse Z comes along and you get on well with it, then you can say to the owners of x and y that you no-longer want a share in them......god luck and keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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I would say write of X becaus eif its allready dumped you, your unlikley to trust it much
I would just keep looking I am sure the right horse will come, partically at the moment where horses just arnt selling all that well, people seem to be putting them on loan for a while instead

Good luck what area are you in?


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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I'm not far from Chester. Yes I was pretty shaken up, a trip to A & E was required! Not sure whether to put it down to my rustyness - used to be able to stay on!

Not much experience with TBs myself, but they do seem to get their knickers in a twist every now and then.