Well-Known Member
Where has everyone gone, how are you all, how is the weather treating you?
Where has everyone gone, how are you all, how is the weather treating you?
Funny that you should ask, I was wondering the same thing myself!! PD's in love (though it may be lust!), me? fine but sick of this snow, JM is probably in Canada hunting grizzlies, RF is up to her eyes, in sheep, snow and winter feeding, I suspect, and as for that EK, hunting, probably!! I realise that I shouldn't speak for others!!
I'd settle for a snow engulfed sunset, anything to brighten up the dreary existence of constant feeding, which in itself, I actually enjoy, if only the illegitimate ones (9 equines and 400 sheep) didn't make me feel so bloody guilty!!
I've decided that I need sun light, for my general well being, and if I didn't love North Norfolk, with a passion, then I would be gone!
Right, whinge over!! How are you, and have you managed to contain him with the brush?
Ets, are you planning a Norfolk bound trip? It would be lovely to meet up. a.
Good to hear from you gang. Alec whats the weather like in NN, mum said she hasn't got as much as us, she's near to Thetford. We were due a visit Sunday but might have to cancel.
EK we must come for a visit soon. x
Rosie tel us about your mare and who is she in foal to??
Love and Hugs to you all keep
Very excited today its on the DEFROST FF! That's interesting Rosie, when is the foal due??
EK hope you shot it!
How exciting. How are the hounds and of course the husband.
Funny that you should ask, I was wondering the same thing myself!! PD's in love (though it may be lust!), me? fine but sick of this snow, JM is probably in Canada hunting grizzlies, a.
Hunting grizzlies in Canada must be similar to hunting in hard weather here - on one's feet.
Grizzlies hibernate,you could be out there looking for a long time!
OOoooh Nooo..too old fashioned for that..foxes are for hounds ,or of course our terriers,but he`s welcome to a chook carcase in that hard weather.We had one once that over stepped the hospitality mark by trying to nick a whole BIG ox-tripe,prob. 30lbs in weight,he dragged into the next field! Must have exhausted himself,however he only chewed off a bit of it so we fed the rest.
Alec NOOOOOOOOOO what about DOU.
JM, YOU'RE ALIVE!! Excellent.
Many years ago, there was an idiot, who maintained that an army marched upon its stomach. Rubbish. An army, and that includes most of us, marches on its feet. I can cope with an empty stomach, but not with poor feet!
For the sake of convenience I pull my neoprene wellies on, and off, as I enter and leave the house. The convenience factor being, that it reduces the complaints from "indoors".
To spend the day outside, I wear proper boots. Meindle are best, in my view. They aren't cheap, but they are a delight, and they do last.
Ets, Simsar, that seems to be all of us accounted for!! a.
Hello JM x
Look carefully, and you might just se a "Do not disturb" sign on the door handle!!
Now what is it that WE don`t know..and really it is your mortal duty to tell us??
Oh bugger!! She slipped my mind, and not for the first time!! I can't 'phone her now, It'll be seen as interference!! I suspect that, now I've relinquished my "rights", the dear girl's still in the blissful state of lust, and with Captain Birdseye, too!!
I'll report back tomorrow!!
DOU I'm so so happy for you! going to school be back at 4pm to talk more. So glad your back you bo legged bint you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx