Linking to my earlier post "Bitting advice for a horse with an attitude" - I came across the Pee Wee bit. Does anyone have any experience with this as I have never heard of it before??
I will take that as a no! I asked my instructor - who lectures at Berkshire Agricultural College and neither she nor her colleagues had heard of it...
This is the website I found that is all about the bit itself - I am a sucker for new stuff but I do think it sounds like a good idea for a difficult horse -
I've seen those advertised before - look at how they are sized. A 'standard' fits from a 12.2 to a 16.2......not for me I'm afraid. How can something like that fit properly?
I know someone who uses the peewee bit on her very strong 16.2hh MW, and she said it works wonders. She really cant rate it highly enough and said it gives her mazing brakes and the horse is happy in it too.
This is what I am hoping with my lad. He always raced in a loose ring snaffle so I kept him in it but he has the worlds most enormous tongue so he spends his life slathering it around once the bit is in. I have him in a flash noseband to stop him sticking his tongue out all the time but it did dawn on me that perhaps I am just jambing too much in his poor little mouth