People Issues


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23 August 2006
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Please help - I share a yard with another livery who is driving me crazy and ruining my time at the yard.
Summary - She is 16, thoroughly spoilt with 4 horses on full livery (it must cost in excess of £2500 a month for her parents to keep the horses, transport them, shoe them etc etc). Believes that all facilities are there for her exclusive use, spends 3-4 hrs in the school each day and gets very stroppy if I want to book it. (As I had a nasty accident I prefer not to share at this time as it winds my horse up). Also if you share with her she spends her whole time analysing what you are doing.
She knows very little indeed about horse management but spends her time questioning what I do and picking holes in this that and the other. I find myself getting into petty debates with her because I can't bear to hear such rubbish. She almost killed one horse last yr by filling it full of cereal, (it had very bad colic), lamed one this yr on hard ground. It goes on.
Basically I work hard to pay for my one horse, I am twice her age and an experienced horsewoman and I want to relax and enjoy my time at the yard. How can I get her to shut up and also show some consideration to others?
The yard is great, yard owner fine but obviously does not want to lose her business as she has 4 horses there.
I would try avoiding her but she is there from 8am to 6pm most days when she is not at school! Argghhhhhh!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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At least she should be back to school soon. I reckon you should put her in her place. She shouldn't speak to adults in such a manner and should learn to respect others. Is YO not cross that she spends so much time in the school? Basically hogging it from all others. Sounds quite spoilt to me!


Well-Known Member
26 February 2006
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It's awful when the precious time spent with your horse is ruined by a spoilt brat! I doubt if anything you say will change her as at her age she is quite likely to go off in a strop. As she is 16 will she be going to college? Maybe a bit of hard work and meeting new friends will give her less time to lurk around the yard. As you say the YO probably won't want to get involved as she paying for four liveries. I hope things change for the better but if it becomes intolerable I fear you will end up moving to a more adult enviroment. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
19 December 2005
oo what a spoilt lil b!t(h i would put her in her place too, if she does not know horse mangement why do her parents let her hve 4 horses!!! OMG!!! and to give a horse colic is somthing which really bugs me!! defo tell her, most kids go bk to school in about 2 weeks!!!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
The easiest way to get her to back off is to answer her with one word answers such as yes or no. make little eye contact and always look very busy.
To get your time alone in the school, say to her would she mind not talking to you when you're riding as you are concentrating hard. if she speaks, glare and carry on.
I'm afraid you will have to freeze her out if you want peace which will also mean not socialising when you feel like it as well.
If she keeps it up try giving her a dose of her own medicine, stand and criticise continually, she'll get the message sooner or later!


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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I feel really sorry for you had a similar prob, but the girl was the yard owners daughter, had about 6 horses people to do everything for her, all she had to do was tack up and ride, (ok she was a good rider) but she would just come into the school on one of her horses when i was in the middle of schooling my horse and take no notice of what i was doing just do her own thing whether she was in my way or not. The end result was i did had to move yard which was a real shame as was a great yard