People on working livery...


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14 August 2009
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How do you organise the times your yard uses your horse and when you get to ride? Do you ride when the animal is not needed or do you agree tiems when it cannot be used such as the afternoons on weekends? Just wondering how it works at different yards. Ta muchly!


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28 December 2011
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Agreed terms in advance. Makes it much easier to know exactly when you can ride - and how often the horse is working when you are not around. I can ride anytime during the week but only once at the weekend. We always let the yard know which days we will be riding in advance so there's no confusion...


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6 September 2011
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We put in the diary the days we're down and the yard tries to work around that. I'm not busy on weekends so I'll generally ask which day is quieter and ride then :)


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14 August 2009
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Hmmm. The problem I have is that 10 year-old daughter's pony has had to go on working livery (long story). She normally rides on a monday evening,which is when the yard has no lessons, and in the afternoons at weekends. The rest of the week the pony is being used for children's lessons after school so these are the only times she can ride. We have an RDA branch at our school and they have started using him as well, which I have no problem with but they are planning a nativity all day on Sunday and I think they are going to use our pony. No one has said anything to me yet and I need to speak to the yard tomorrow, but if this is the case, would it be unreasonable of me to say no to them using him? I know it makes me sound very bah humbug, but my arrangement was with the owner of the yard, not the RDA and to to effectivly wipe out half of my daughter's riding time while I am still paying livery is not on. Yes, I know its for a nativity but they use the school horses normally so its not like it will not go ahead. Do you think I am out of order?


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4 September 2008
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Many years ago on WL I could book specific times to ride. I would have a lesson on my mare on saturdays, then hack her on sundays. She was only on an hour a day though, which was very easy to work around.


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5 September 2008
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I'd suggest giving them a call and pointing out that the pony isn't available for weekend afternoons just in case, and I'd suggest doing so asap, that way they'll have time to make other arrangements. Ultimately it's your pony and unless they've cleared it with you first they shouldn't expect to be able to use the pony at times when you usually do.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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I would hit it head on.... and speak to the ym as soon as possible, to stop you getting wound up.

I do not quite understand your set up though.... if the RDA has started to use your pony too... is this part of his hours that you are contracted too ? or have they reduced the time your pony is used in the school?

It would also depend on how much you are paying for livery with them - i never quite understand how working livery works.
14 November 2012
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Not at all out of order to say no. If the RDA were to use your horse for the nativity and then increase use thereafter it would be even more difficult to call a halt to this as he would then be factored into their schedule. You had a loan agreement when you put your horse into this arrangement I would hope, and this is the agreement that should be adhered to.


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14 August 2009
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We don't really have a contract - the pony had already been on the yard a while but developed behavourial problems when he got fit and strong and started bucking everytime daughter put the leg on. My YO suggested putting him on working livery as she felt he was a clever pony with not enough to do. We did, and it seems to have worked, he is back to being his angelic self and is a lot more relaxed. Pony normally gets used after school for a couple of hours Tuesday to Friday and in the mornings Saturday and Sunday. The RDA then started using him for the odd lesson during on weekdays, which I don't mind as he really just walks with a tiny bit of trotting and he loves the attention. I don't want to sound like a scrooge about the nativity but as we don't have a formal contract I think its important to be firm about the boundries. I am still paying a livery for him after all, albeit a reduced livery and I want him to be available for my children at the weekends. Offering him to her at 5pm on a winter's night is not much good, even with lights in the arena, when he is uttterly knackered! We are still paying 50 pounds a week to keep this pony.

Just wanted to add, we have beenon this yard for four years and have a very good relationship with the YO. We agreed times my daughter could ride verbally and it has not been a problem. The RDA are a seperate organistion that use the facilities and have an arragement with the YO to use the school ponies. But as a working livery things are not so black and white with our boy.
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Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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I think you need to get some things in writing - £50 is a lot to be paying, especially when they are using your pony for the school. I am not being rude, but they could be using your pony for 6 or 7 hours a day- and you do not have a leg to stand on.

I am especially concerned about Christmas week - when are you allowed to play with your pony ? Not being rude but what were you paying before the working livery started ?


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14 August 2009
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I'm nomrally around during the day and I can see how much the pony is worked. He really doesn't do much during the day but the yard is able to give him regular excerise to help him keep his powder dry. I have a horse of my own that needs working and not enough time for two. The problem we had is that he started broncing with the kids and was going to hurt them. He has numerous health issues, including fructose intolerance, which means he can't be turned out. Being on working livery keeps him happy and he has stopped being such a sod, which means my kids get to keep the pony they love. He is not on working livery for financial reasons. During school holidays the lessons stop and my daughter uses him for PC, so that's not an issue. Like I say, I don't even know the RDA is planning to use him on Sunday but if they are I just want to make sure I am not being unreasonable in saying no, as I love this yard and both my animals and my children are very happy. Saying no to disabled kids for a nativity play will not be my finest hour if that is the case!


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19 May 2009
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Would it be worth you just going on a Christmas treat ? only reason i ask is you sound like the kind of person that will worry yourself silly if you do say no ?

I know its one day out of your childrens riding.... and if you were planning on going to a Crimbo show i would fully understand - but is it worth feeling pants if you do say no to it ?


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14 August 2009
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Crimbowitch, this is exactly what I was thinking! I don't want to get into a row and I do support the RDA, I think its a great charity. The working livery arrangement is working fine, a lot of the pony's mental issues are being resolved and when daughter is bigger she will handle him better. At the moment, when he is bored and wants to play up, he knows he can take advantage of her - little devil never does it to me! He has numerous health issues on top of the behvioural ones that means he can never be sold and this is how I can make it work for both the pony and the children's happiness. I don't want to be the yard bitch and I really do not mind him doing RDA on top of the riding lessons as he never breaks into a sweat and loves being around children. He lives in a barn but its not the same as being out in a field and the more he works, the happier he is. I might just ask if they are planning to use him and if they say yes, I am going to say I would prefer to be asked in future. But I am going to work out something more formal with my YO so she knows how I feel and there are no misunderstandings. She is a lovely lady who has bent over backwards for us over the years and I don't want to fall out with her.

PS Crimbowitch how well you know me! Or am I so transparant?! :D


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Crimbowitch, this is exactly what I was thinking! I don't want to get into a row and I do support the RDA, I think its a great charity. The working livery arrangement is working fine, a lot of the pony's mental issues are being resolved and when daughter is bigger she will handle him better. At the moment, when he is bored and wants to play up, he knows he can take advantage of her - little devil never does it to me! He has numerous health issues on top of the behvioural ones that means he can never be sold and this is how I can make it work for both the pony and the children's happiness. I don't want to be the yard bitch and I really do not mind him doing RDA on top of the riding lessons as he never breaks into a sweat and loves being around children. He lives in a barn but its not the same as being out in a field and the more he works, the happier he is. I might just ask if they are planning to use him and if they say yes, I am going to say I would prefer to be asked in future. But I am going to work out something more formal with my YO so she knows how I feel and there are no misunderstandings. She is a lovely lady who has bent over backwards for us over the years and I don't want to fall out with her.

PS Crimbowitch how well you know me! Or am I so transparant?! :D

Your so much like me ! lol
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