Its supposed to work for connective tissue (so I suspect its not much cop for arthritis) but I suspect a lot of it is hype (as with most things). Isnt it mussel extract?
Hi. I tried pernamax from maxavita! Bill has been taking the tablets now for about six weeks and I'm really impressed at how quickly he is back up, happy and cantering about after months of painful swollen joints, I've even taken him off his Bute this week and he still seems really well. It seems to be a new product but I was wondering whether anybody knew about the company and if anybody else had had a similar experience?
I actually tried Pernamax for myself a month ago, thinking at least I'd know if it helped an increasingly dodgy knee (too many years jumping!). My knee has actually stopped hurting, when before it was starting to feel painful most of the time.
I've now put my 15yo arthritic mare on it and about 2 weeks in she's trotting up fairly sound, when we were starting to prepare for her riding days to be over. Cortavet, Adequan etc etc hasn't seemed to help her. She's on 1 bute a day but was fairly lame on that before - going to try cutting down bute this week and see what happens. Fingers crossed.
anj, this is my experience too. On another thread, Katharine was criticised for "spreading the gospel" too enthusiastically, but when a product that is new to the market actually appears to work, forums like this are good for getting the word out. I'm certainly not on the maxavita payroll, and I'm sceptical with many of the products I have tried, but my horse is looking dramatically better, and she isn't even on the full dose.
hey guys. thanks for the support. I was really worried that what I had done is wrong, but if one poor mare gets the benefit of a new product that isn't that well known then that justifies it for me. thanks and good luck. will keep you guys posted.
I was critical, however we do seem to be suffering from a glut of new posters who have all logged on specifically to extoil the virtues of this new wonder product. A check of post history shows that for the majority their only or main topic in several different threads is this product (as yours does).
Its great to get reviews on tried and tested products and I have gone out and purchased quite a few on the recomendation of other posters. This type of 'advertising' takes advantage of the knowledge sharing which takes place on these kind of forums and just really annoys the life out of me.
Hi well I'm not on their payroll but like many horse owners I've tried too many things in the past trying to keep the beloved beastie on the road. I work in marketing too and I'm as cynical as the next guy but I think that having a view of other peoples' experiences is what this forum is about. All I know is that my knees are still ok and the ageing mare thought about bucking me off on Sunday, so she can't be feeling too bad either. I don't post on this unless it's something I feel is useful; if you look back you might find that I tried Tildren treatment on her earlier in the year but that didn't seem to get us anywhere. Cheers a.