Petty of me? A bit of a rant


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
So, reunited with my beloved PF yesterday. Fabian looked after her beautifully in my absence and she looks wonderful and obviously delighted to be on holiday.
But THAT's not what my rant is about. I saw the new 2yo arab colt (mentioned in previous rants) and his feckwit owner. Was pleased to see that colt is well-behaved so clearly was bred by a non-feckwit. HOWEVER, his owner, obviously narked that he's not allowed to turn said entire colt out when there are several randy mares about, took him to his house and tethered him to graze.
Guess what happened. Yep, colt wrapped rope round his leg and gave himself a totally unnecessary injury. Nothing terrible, but some swelling.
ANYWAY, I got a call from C (who's a friend of Feckwit) to ask me if I didn't have anything in my tack box to treat little arab. I said yes, of course I did, but was delighted to add (truthfully) that I gave Fabian the key so couldn't open it as I'd forgotten to take a spare and he's off work this weekend.
Then I started to get really p:ssed off. Feckwit is NOT my friend, he's never done a thing to help me out at yard, not even stuck up for me when I was about to be kicked out, and in fact grumbled that PF was turned out (I put up my own electric fencing) by herself, etc. etc. Clearly I'm being taken for a mug. Feckwit is not only a feckwit, he's also a dreadful cheapskate. What gives him the right to sponge off everyone else? He's never bought so much as pevidone for his horses and last time his mare got hurt it was MY stuff that Fabian used to cure her (not that I ever got a word of thanks)
If the horse belonged to C, I would gladly (and have done in the past) given her what she needed to treat a wound, but NOT Feckwit.
Am I being petty? He's not had the bollox to ask me himself for stuff from my first aid kit, and if C asks again I WILL tell her why I don't want to give him any of my stuff, but if HE asks me, what would you say??
I'm generous by nature, but I don't think he'll be grateful; I really think he considers it somehow his 'right'.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Tell him you'll tell him next time you see him what he owes! Then he'll know your going to ask for money, or tell him where you got it from!
What about the mare w/ broken hock?


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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I don't think you're being petty because it's a real pain when someone takes you for granted & always expects something for nothing. On the otherhand though I don't like the idea of leaving a horse injury untreated because of a fall out with the owner. I'd probably treat the injury & present the owner with a bill. Chasing the bill may take sometime but the horse does need treating. I can understand why you're so pi***d off though.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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No petty at all, nothing worst than going to your previously well stocked first aid kit (to treat your own horse) to find it empty where someone has 'borrowed stuff' to treat their horse. It is for that reason that I have a mini first aid kit by stable and a 2nd locked in my lorry!!!!


Well-Known Member
30 August 2005
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Just tell him you have run out and advise him to get his own first aid kit together... feck him tis not your problem, he should be more responsible and you shouldn't think twice about telling him so!