

Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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*Wipes brow*

The vet came this morning to remove a suspected sarcoid from just above my 4 yr old cob's lip. She behaved so well, had a text-book reaction to the sedation and local anaesthetic and only noticed when he stitched the wound because he tugged a bit on the thread.

She is now back in the field eating grass, for which she is highly thankful because you know? She had to stand inside with nothing to eat from 6 o'clock this morning! And her mean friend wouldn't throw some of her hay over the wall for her! And then, even though she was feeling very woozy and a few mouthfuls of something, anything would have made her feel so much better, she wasn't even allowed a mouthful of straw. In fact as soon as she started to try to pick some up, she found herself back in the empty stable! And the only thing to do in there was watch her friend eat, again!

Now we just need to wait for the histology report but vet thinks it was a sarcoid and that he got it all away. Fingers crossed.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Thank you C&M.

She is fine, now. And she has kept her stitches intact, so far. Vet did say it would heal even if she takes them out but it would be good if she can keep them in - less of a scar!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
Visit site
Was it a little one he was able to pop out? Did he dab Liverpool cream on the wound?

It was a small rounded lump, looked very similar to the rodent ulcer my dad had removed from his eyebrow last year. She kept rubbing it and making it bleed. I couldn't quite see the operation as I was standing at the other side of her head keeping it still. He didn't seem to have much trouble with it, lifted it out with tweezers after opening up the skin. No Liverpool cream, just a penicillin injection and some powders for the next 5 days, all very low key but that is this vet's style. We will have to see what the histology report comes back with, I suppose, before we know whether she needs anything else.