Pictures - Interesting colours in Miniature horses


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25 June 2012
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We met the most incredible miniatures this weekend - mainly purebred falabellas/falabella blends/part bred American miniatures, some with shetland blood and some without! I couldn't get over how tiny some of them actually were.

They were adorable and I was suprised at the sheer range of colours we saw. I love the colour genetics side of things and loved trying to guess at what they may be!

Obviously there are pics for those interested!!

Pure falabella. Little filly who I cant work out colour of! Full white face and 2 blue eyes (white doesnt extend over eyes though). May have 4 white legs as has white hooves but no distinction between leg/body colour. Very dark under the cream fluff, with what could be a dorsal stripe or countershading. Plus her dam who I'm assuming is smoky black





Stallion, sire to filly above. White face but dark eyes. Not full body shot but he has jagged belly sploges and ticking throughout. Body colour looks grey but mane and tail are chocolate


Flashy coloured filly and black filly on the move - 3/4 falabella


Flashy filly again, full white face with 2 blue eyes


Black filly


Both fillies with dam of the flashy one


Stallion, sire to flashy filly. Pure falabella. Full white face, 2 blue eyes. Chocolate body patches with lots of white.


Little colt, I'm presuming black silver. Sire was a silver, dam is black with sunbleaching (can just see her behind him).

20 February 2017
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There's no phenotypical difference between black and smoky black I thought?

Blue eyes on foals are common, though, as are primitives which go after first shed - it's called foal camouflage and does what it says on the tin, basically. :p

The stallion looks black based with a white pattern; maybe sabino (would explain grey ticking) but the face white and blue eyes makes me think splash white. Could also be one of the many untestable white patterns :p

The 'flashy filly' is tobiano with another white pattern boosting it to give the face white. Her dam just looks a minimal tobiano, daddy looks splash white or another white pattern (sb1 doesn't give blue eyes) along with tobiano.

Mini colours are super fun. They have so much variety. I saw a mini stallion for sale the other day who was champagne, dun and cream dilute all at once. He was such a funky looking little fella! I might try and find a link to his advert, it was really cool.


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25 June 2012
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There's no phenotypical difference between black and smoky black I thought?

Blue eyes on foals are common, though, as are primitives which go after first shed - it's called foal camouflage and does what it says on the tin, basically. :p

The stallion looks black based with a white pattern; maybe sabino (would explain grey ticking) but the face white and blue eyes makes me think splash white. Could also be one of the many untestable white patterns :p

The 'flashy filly' is tobiano with another white pattern boosting it to give the face white. Her dam just looks a minimal tobiano, daddy looks splash white or another white pattern (sb1 doesn't give blue eyes) along with tobiano.

Mini colours are super fun. They have so much variety. I saw a mini stallion for sale the other day who was champagne, dun and cream dilute all at once. He was such a funky looking little fella! I might try and find a link to his advert, it was really cool.

Its fascinating isnt it! Would be interesting to see the advert for the stallion too.

First filly is a bit of a mystery to me as I havent came across such a light cream foal coat that sheds to what looks to be a very dark coat underneath - except perhaps the darker greys...but apparently there is zero grey in either side of pedigree.

First stallion is def black based, on his papers he is registered as a "pinto/black roan overo" but imo he isnt roan. The American term overo seems to be used for any white pattern, which can be misleading.

Flashy filly really caught my eye! Must try to resist haha.
20 February 2017
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Its fascinating isnt it! Would be interesting to see the advert for the stallion too.

First filly is a bit of a mystery to me as I havent came across such a light cream foal coat that sheds to what looks to be a very dark coat underneath - except perhaps the darker greys...but apparently there is zero grey in either side of pedigree.

First stallion is def black based, on his papers he is registered as a "pinto/black roan overo" but imo he isnt roan. The American term overo seems to be used for any white pattern, which can be misleading.

Flashy filly really caught my eye! Must try to resist haha.

If dam of creamy filly really is smoky black she could be buckskin...or she could have inherited daddy's white patterning so everything is skewed lol.
Also I found the stallion ad: He's smoky black with additonal silver and champagne genes. Looks cool, wish they'd included a pic of his eyes though. Inquiring minds want to know their colour lol :D
And you should bring flashy filly home with you :lol:


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25 June 2012
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If dam of creamy filly really is smoky black she could be buckskin...or she could have inherited daddy's white patterning so everything is skewed lol.
Also I found the stallion ad: He's smoky black with additonal silver and champagne genes. Looks cool, wish they'd included a pic of his eyes though. Inquiring minds want to know their colour lol :D
And you should bring flashy filly home with you :lol:

Just done some digging on sire to creamy filly and he has been tested as heterozygous for both sabino and splash white :) I think foalie is splash too.

Oh he is gorgeous!!

I would but OH wants plain black filly - says we could compromise and have creamy filly 😂


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25 June 2012
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Dam to unknown filly is registered as 'black' out of a 'blue roan/wide blaze/2 stockings' mare (so sabino, maybe splash) and by an 'appaloosa/black leopard' stallion. So best guess is that filly will be black based haha


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25 October 2010
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Miniatures are frustrating as hell trying to guess their colouring :) my mares are bay and a cream dun, stallion buckskin. filly (out of bay) is bay but has numerous “buckskin” spots on a clipped coat that multiply every year and make her look really mottled, yet no Appaloosa in their line. The colt is chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail, so looks palomino in summer when show clipped. Hasn’t got any actual flash on the skin, but on a growing coat has a roan flash type mark 😂


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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remember that the first foal shed is usually dark, much more so than their adult colour, I would think the first likely buckskin from the photos. Whether she has the same ticking/roaning as Dad time will tell!

But yes minis do tend to take colours to the extremes which can make them a bit confusing, even the most experienced on the colour genetics groups ask the couple of mini fans what they think (partly as they also know what was in what bloodline).


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25 June 2012
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Miniatures are frustrating as hell trying to guess their colouring :) my mares are bay and a cream dun, stallion buckskin. filly (out of bay) is bay but has numerous “buckskin” spots on a clipped coat that multiply every year and make her look really mottled, yet no Appaloosa in their line. The colt is chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail, so looks palomino in summer when show clipped. Hasn’t got any actual flash on the skin, but on a growing coat has a roan flash type mark 😂

remember that the first foal shed is usually dark, much more so than their adult colour, I would think the first likely buckskin from the photos. Whether she has the same ticking/roaning as Dad time will tell!

But yes minis do tend to take colours to the extremes which can make them a bit confusing, even the most experienced on the colour genetics groups ask the couple of mini fans what they think (partly as they also know what was in what bloodline).

Was hoping you would comment!!

The pedigrees dont seem to register the colours as what they are genetically which confuses things further. Im guessing this is mainly the older stock as it seems the more recent breedings colour test before registering which is very helpful!

Have found some better, full body shots of first fillys sire





And sire/grandsire/great grandsire to her dam as well - all 3 are registered as "appaloosa/black leopard"





Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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The sire I suspect may have splash as well as the sabino (not sure if they carry SB1 or something else without checking), if he does the sabino is affecting the edges of the bald face which makes it look less splash typical.

Re. flashy filly and her sire, it could just be frame but it might have splash for the faces too. Dam is tobiano but would be wise to ensure she isn't frame positive too as it can be well hidden (ie no outward signs at all!) and if so it risks a lethal white foal.

top 'leopard' sire I'd think a fewspot?


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25 June 2012
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The sire doesn't look to have inherited any LP or PATN1, though...? I love his chocolate mane though.

Its the sire/his sire/sires sire to dam (in very first pics) of filly that are in final 3 pics and regd as "appaloosa/black leopard".
Her dam is regd as "blue roan/wide blaze/2 stockings"

Sires parents are regd as:
Sire - "pinto/dark sorrell & white"
Dam - "black/blaze/soc"

But I cant find any pics of them unfortunately


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25 June 2012
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The sire I suspect may have splash as well as the sabino (not sure if they carry SB1 or something else without checking), if he does the sabino is affecting the edges of the bald face which makes it look less splash typical.

Re. flashy filly and her sire, it could just be frame but it might have splash for the faces too. Dam is tobiano but would be wise to ensure she isn't frame positive too as it can be well hidden (ie no outward signs at all!) and if so it risks a lethal white foal.

top 'leopard' sire I'd think a fewspot?

Yes I found out that he has been tested as sabino and splash!

Im trying to forget flashy filly as OH really dislikes her 🙈

Trying to hunt down pics of others in first fillys pedigree to get a complete picture!


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25 June 2012
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since when did people on here listen to their OHs about ponies/horses? :p

😂😂😂 well he is as into them as I am, so we try to be fair on each other! He likes the black filly in the original pics - says she has better movement and conformation than the coloured (I think they're pretty evenly matched tbh!)

I love all the unusual/bold/flashy colours and markings - whereas he is a 'black/bay/chestnut with as minimal as possible white' type man.

He says he will compromise on the unknown colour filly - and it is a compromise to him because she has full white face and 2 blue eyes haha.


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25 June 2012
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has she got any belly white?

ps just buy all of them then everyone is happy :D no?

I couldn't see under her as she was that close to the ground! I could see she has a definite white face but it doesnt extend over either eye.

She may have 4 white legs, hooves are definitely very pale at the moment, but couldn't make out a definitive difference in leg/body colour to be sure if they are white or not!

Haha we have decided to go for the silver colt, black filly and unknown filly...but if I can wangle the coloured too I will 😂 after all they do need company their own size and as the saying goes 3 is a crowd 🙈


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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you mean you didn't roll her over :D :D

err I was joking.... but ermm yeah 4 is definitely easier than 3...