You don't have to plait, it is just considered courteous to your hosts especially for lawn meets. I always do unless the horse is hogged unless cubbing in which case hardly any do
We just had a newcomers into evening and were told that horses ought to be plaited if they are not hogged - as the previous poster said, it's good manners and courteous to the hosts and the hunt staff.
Also told that there should be 7 or 9 along the next and then one for the forelock.
The vast majority out with the bloodhounds I notice aren't plaited. My horse is always immaculate, tack is clean, and I'm dressed correctly, but with 5 horses and a kid (6yo) to deal with on my own, if I had to plait, I just couldn't go. I have problems with my hands and it could conceivably take me over an hour to plait one horse.
No one has ever remarked on it, I keep manes very short, neat and tidy, I do avoid lawn meets because of this though - so I guess the possibility of it being an issue costs the hunts money.
I have never plaited a horses mane for hunting - simply because I do a gawd awful job of it. Whilst it is correct to plait for a lawn meet - if it can't be done well, then don't. My horses have either been hogged or had a very well pulled (short) mane.
Far better to be impecably (sp) turned out with an unplaited, well pulled mane - than impecably turned out with a badly plaited mane imo.
I think you should maybe check with the hunt bookings or members secretary. Ours say specifically NOT to plait for Hound Ex's and they MUST be plaited for all meets from the opening meet onwards.
Obviously there is the odd exception like people have mentioned, but if your horse has plaitable mane and is the type to have plaited mane...the it should be plaited, it looks lazy if you dont, plaiting is dead easy if you keep your horses mane well kept, so there is no excuse really.
Long manes (M&M/traditionals etc) should either be washed clean and be neat and tidy or hogged etc.
If the hunt grooms can manage to get between 8 and 10 horses plaited up and ready to go, then there aren't more than a handful of excuses for a subscriber not being able to sort 1 out.
But it's easy for me to comment, my bike doesn't have a mane!!
It depends on the hunt... hardly anyone plaits for hunting with the Bilsdale (trust me, some days you want a decent mane to hold on to!). But i would always plait if i was going as a guest with another hunt.
I'm not hunting rthis year but historically I don't plait for normal meets but try to for lawn meets. My horses mane is so short - about 2" long - I can swing it, but I do plait her tail up as she kicks otherwise.
And CC hunt staff are paid to plait (and are very good at it) I have to get two children to school and can't leave them alone in the house all morning so have no time to do it. I have to muck out and to get to most meets have to leave at 9.15 - 9.30.
Wow, I wasn't expecting such a flurry of replies, many thanks everyone!
I think I will check with the hunt secretary, and my lad looks better with a plaited mane so I have no worries about doing it. Plus I only have 1 horse to get ready and no children so no excuse for me not to do it!