Planning weekly activity

Fizzy candy

4 May 2016
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Hi. I'm curious about everyone's weekly routine. I have a 6 year old Irish Sports horse and trying to make a plan for him. I was thinking 3 half hour sessions in the school on flatwork, 1 or 2 school sessions with some jumping, 1 hack (up to 2 hours) and 1 rest day. He will get some turnout every day but not all day. I will of course get advice from my instructor and the livery yard but it would be helpful to see how much others do. Thanks


Well-Known Member
6 June 2012
the North
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I've had routines like that before but only on yards with poor hacking. 5days a week in the arena seems like a lot to me, I'd rather be out hacking if possible, especially if there's lots of hills or places to canter and bendy trails for keeping them supple. I just think it's more interesting for horse and rider and better for the horses legs. I know plenty of people who never or rarely ride outside the arena though and their horses don't drop dead :smile3: . It's not dull for the horse as long as you vary the exercises you're working on. My own riding is a bit sporadic at the moment, some weeks it's every day other weeks it's only once, no arena so it's all hacking 1-3hrs depending on how long I've got. Generally it's either riding or turnout for me through winter and 24/7 turnout through summer, though that does depend on what yard we're on and what turnout arrangements they have.

Fizzy candy

4 May 2016
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Yeah - london area so lots of roadwork to get to the hacking. Not sure if that's still better? Will also look at hunter trials or something for the weekends to make it more interesting. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2016
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I hack mine 5 or 6 times a week, school once a week or once a fortnight, she always has one day off a week, but sometimes two after a competition.

I wouldn't be happy schooling her too much as she'd get bored and start playing up, we do lots of different hacks to keep it interesting, I have to do roadwork to get to hacks as well, however it's not in London so isn't too busy, lots of farm machinery though! Can be scary


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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We're close to London - and with an ISH in the group a bit older than yours. They get 4 - 6 hours turn out per day. All are hunt / competition horses and because of the latter all have a good clear routine. Each one varies as it has to suit the horse. But I would not say your schooling plan sounds excessive. It you keep the work varied they shouldn't get bored.

Because each horse is different I can't give you a definitive routine for us. But in general terms everyone has one day off, normally after competition or Monday if they haven't competed. If it was particularly strenuous they might get just a walk in hand the day after as well. Everyone schools on the flat at least once, most twice or three times; and most jump once. No-one jumps more than twice, usually including competition day. Most also have a lunge or walker day and unless there is compelling reason not to, all hack at least once; some go out ride & lead too. Each ridden session is at least 45mins - hack a lot longer obviously.

You do need to keep work varied - but there are loads of ways to vary a flatwork session. Nothing has any excuse to get bored. (Including teenage rider...)


Well-Known Member
10 February 2013
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That sounds a bit dull and short - for you as well as for the horse! If you can box to some better out riding with friends each week it would be good experience. If you really are stuck in the school so much why not devise some handy pony/gymkhana games/agility? Keeps the horses interested as well as paying dividends in the future by spook-proofing. Also, make sure you have some sessions when you are schooling with others. Its good training for collecting rings. Basically, the more variety of experiences the better for a young horse.

Fizzy candy

4 May 2016
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That's great old jumper - one week in and it's definitely not enough to keep him happy so I am looking at lots of other things. Could you expand on the activities - they sound fun but I have never done anything like that. Is there a link that could point me in the right direction so I can get some ideas on how to set it up? Thanks so much