Plans and Dreams


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22 November 2011
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OK, so I have been very inspired by lots of posts I have seen on HHO from people who only got a horse of their very own later in life...
I now have decided to instead of thinking that it will never happen to make a 5 year plan to achieving my goal! Started volunteering at some local charities for one, to get my horsey fix, have re-doubled my efforts at Uni, started doing voluntery work at local schools to get experience so I can go on to do a Primart school teachers qualification (really want to do something usefull with my degree which will help me get a decently waged job). So in 5 years I will have my own, fingers crossed! Pro-activeness away!

I was just interested - to all those who only got your first horse later in life, how long did you plan and work towards it? What sort of things were you doing?


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19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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To be honest I got my horse at a really bad time, I had just finished my first year at University and was very novice. He was a present from my Dad; I had just lost my Mum to cancer and I think he thought it was a good idea to keep me out of trouble/give me a 'purpose'.

I was very, very lucky with the horse I bought, he has been amazing but I am very aware that it could all have gone horribly wrong! :eek: :eek: It has been difficult though, having him through undergrad/masters and then primary PGDE and I never really utilised his full potential (not that he cares :rolleyes: :D )

I wish you well, definitely sounds like you will be far more 'ready' for a horse than I was. I like this quote

"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."
- Earl Nightingale


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22 November 2011
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Thanks Rhino :D
Very sad about your situation with family, I'm glad everything came right for you and your pony in the end.

I have allways worked with them (mostly just at weekends around school/college/uni) so I have a pretty good idea about care etc. I was allways put off the thought of having my own by my parents who made it seem like the most un-abtainably expensive thing in the world so I guess i've always been stuck in that mindset haha. But not anymore, she says!


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19 July 2009
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I have allways worked with them (mostly just at weekends around school/college/uni) so I have a pretty good idea about care etc. I was allways put off the thought of having my own by my parents who made it seem like the most un-abtainably expensive thing in the world so I guess i've always been stuck in that mindset haha. But not anymore, she says!

Oh they are unbelievably expensive! :eek: :rolleyes: but perfectly manageable when you are earning yourself.

They certainly help keep you sane after a hard day's teaching! :D


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22 November 2011
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Oh they are unbelievably expensive! :eek: :rolleyes: but perfectly manageable when you are earning yourself.

They certainly help keep you sane after a hard day's teaching! :D

Hehe I can imagine! Do you think I could be a real pain and ask if you would be so kind as to PM me with some tips as to what I should be doing while still an undergraduate to help get a place on a PGCE? I would be very gratefull.


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19 July 2009
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Hehe I can imagine! Do you think I could be a real pain and ask if you would be so kind as to PM me with some tips as to what I should be doing while still an undergraduate to help get a place on a PGCE? I would be very gratefull.

I have to go out to the yard in a bit but will have a think and pm you later if that's ok :)


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5 November 2010
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I can't quote on the phone but saying that your Parents ways made it seem like it was an unattainable dream is exactly how it always was for me. I had lessons and spent all day every weekend and holiday at the stables as a kid, but never got to do pony club or compete or anything. My dad lost his job, so everything stopped, no horses no swimming no anything- I must have cried myself to sleep for a month! Then late teens , it still never happened, horses was something country people. And rich people did. But during my a levels I volunteered with my local rda- and I loved it. I would really recommend it if you haven't thought about it. Then uni, I joined the riding club but felt very much on the out side as I didn't have my own, and they didn't really cater for anyone other than the teams, but I found my local rda at uni and again helped out as much as I could. Fast forward to my early twenties... I graduated got a job and was in a stable situation financially do I started having lessons again- it was only when talking to my instructor and she asked me if I'd thought of getting my own and I just laughed and she was like oh I can definitely see you with your own in the future - that was really the first ever time I started to think that there might might just might be a possibility it could happen and that I didn't have to win the lottery first. It was someone else who mentioned to me about loaning- can you believe I'd never heard of it! So I looked and looked and looked before finally sending an email on the off chance- and that's how I got a mare on part loan a couple of years doing that then I finally took the plunge and got my boy- by a quirk of fate rather than a targeted search but he's perfect 14 yr old tb x. I remember exactly the weekend I decided to get him- I took my friends dog for a walk, I had torn a ligament in my ankle, and it was pouring with rain, by the time I came back I thought my god am I really going to do this!? Slept on it, and I blame sister act 2 for this bit, I went to bed thinking about him and I woke up thinking about him- so I just knew he was going to be mine. He was mine on the tuesday- Because of the dodge ankle I'd never sat in him....which I definitely wouldn't recommend. But waking up that tues morning knowing I was fiung to be going up to buy my First horse I was ridiculously excited! It wa like I wa five again and you can't wait for Santa to bring you that red bike you've always wanted. That feeling has never really left me, i think because I had to wait do long it's made it that much sweeter now- I am that kid who spent every day dreaming of her own pony, knowing it would never happen, but my dreams came true. I loved him inmediately, and every night he brightens my day lifts my heart. Your plan is a good one! And this place is good for inspirations and support, I know I've learnt a lot from different people on here. Good luck in your quest- if you want it bad enough your dreams can come true- im testament to that !


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
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I can't quote on the phone but saying that your Parents ways made it seem like it was an unattainable dream is exactly how it always was for me. I had lessons and spent all day every weekend and holiday at the stables as a kid, but never got to do pony club or compete or anything. My dad lost his job, so everything stopped, no horses no swimming no anything- I must have cried myself to sleep for a month! Then late teens , it still never happened, horses was something country people. And rich people did. But during my a levels I volunteered with my local rda- and I loved it. I would really recommend it if you haven't thought about it. Then uni, I joined the riding club but felt very much on the out side as I didn't have my own, and they didn't really cater for anyone other than the teams, but I found my local rda at uni and again helped out as much as I could. Fast forward to my early twenties... I graduated got a job and was in a stable situation financially do I started having lessons again- it was only when talking to my instructor and she asked me if I'd thought of getting my own and I just laughed and she was like oh I can definitely see you with your own in the future - that was really the first ever time I started to think that there might might just might be a possibility it could happen and that I didn't have to win the lottery first. It was someone else who mentioned to me about loaning- can you believe I'd never heard of it! So I looked and looked and looked before finally sending an email on the off chance- and that's how I got a mare on part loan a couple of years doing that then I finally took the plunge and got my boy- by a quirk of fate rather than a targeted search but he's perfect 14 yr old tb x. I remember exactly the weekend I decided to get him- I took my friends dog for a walk, I had torn a ligament in my ankle, and it was pouring with rain, by the time I came back I thought my god am I really going to do this!? Slept on it, and I blame sister act 2 for this bit, I went to bed thinking about him and I woke up thinking about him- so I just knew he was going to be mine. He was mine on the tuesday- Because of the dodge ankle I'd never sat in him....which I definitely wouldn't recommend. But waking up that tues morning knowing I was fiung to be going up to buy my First horse I was ridiculously excited! It wa like I wa five again and you can't wait for Santa to bring you that red bike you've always wanted. That feeling has never really left me, i think because I had to wait do long it's made it that much sweeter now- I am that kid who spent every day dreaming of her own pony, knowing it would never happen, but my dreams came true. I loved him inmediately, and every night he brightens my day lifts my heart. Your plan is a good one! And this place is good for inspirations and support, I know I've learnt a lot from different people on here. Good luck in your quest- if you want it bad enough your dreams can come true- im testament to that !

Wow thank you TNF, that definitely gave me a little :') I think the reason my parents always blew it up so much so it seemed impossible is they felt bad about not being able to get me a pony, so by making it seem so it did make me not think they were just being stingy, if you see what I mean.
I am waiting to hear back from my nearest RDA, it is over an hour away so I can't really just pop over so I am still waiting for them to get back to me.

I still get the santa feeling when I just know I'm going to go and muck out and cuddle ponies, let alone anything else :eek: