Please cross fingers for us - Found a property


Well-Known Member
24 July 2011
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Hi everyone,

I need all your fingers please :D. If you have spare moments can you cross them for us?

We are trying to find a place for us and the horses together and after the last one fell through as landlord suddenly changed his mind on having horses on his precious land we now find a "nearly" perfect alternative which turns out to be much better then the first one. (Maybe that's why it never meant to be) .

Near to kids school, lots of barns and stables to use, a bedroom more then expected, pony club around the corner .... and and and. Gets renovated atm and will be available around jan/feb.

We viewed it, we loved it and DAMN he hasn't got a clue what to charge for it and wants to get an Estate Agent in to give him an idea. AAAArrrrrggghhhh! We need to wait now until next week to get some numbers. Please, please cross fingers we will be still able to afford it :D:D

How much should be a good return for landlords renovations? Do they calculate costs spent on renovation to be returned after 5, 10 years?!

Some chocolate Santas to share as it is our "Nikolaus" day today and Santa brought us (my kids) some choccies ;)


Well-Known Member
24 July 2011
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That's the questions. What increase do you think is reasonable? Before renovations the previous tenant paid £600 pcm. Do you think I should offer £700? That would probably be a return of investment for him over 10 years. Is that sensible or are we talking about much more?

Oh I hate waiting games :D


Well-Known Member
26 January 2009
The Edge of Suburbia, Berkshire.
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I think depends what sort of renovations. If structural he'd have had to do it anyway eg rewiring or new boiler so it's safe to let out, so not really relevant. Is £700 about what the other property you had wanted was going for? In which case I'd definitely try £700 (am sure any estate agent would try for more). I'd tell the chap how much the other property was and offer £700 if you think it's reasonable (sounds VERY cheap for round here, so I'm guessing you're miles away in the sticks). Just start a dialogue anyway, ask him if he thinks £700 would be reasonable (these unusual properties with land do tend to be dificult to price). At least he'll know you are keen.


Well-Known Member
24 July 2011
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Update on our property search. Spoke to landlord today and yes as predicted we can have it for £700 :D :D

Now credit check, contract and most importantly a date when they finish the work on it. Oh my ... can't wait now to get everyone together. My kids were off school today ill and I had to wrap them up and take them to the yard to get my horses done this morning because I couldn't get hold of yard owner in time. It will be so much easier having them just on the door step!

Dub:Yes it's in the sticks! MidWales, no shop or garage nor pub for a few miles. BUT just perfect :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
11 March 2008
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Wow! Bet you can't wait! Can't believe how cheap that is! We pay over double that here, and we're out in the sticks lol! So much easier having the horses at home, when you've got kids! There's no urgency to get everything done at once!

Paddy Irish

Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
On one
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:D:D:D We are moving end of february!!!! :D:D:D

Woop woop

Thanks everyone for crossing fingers xxxx Merry Christmas to you all

Totally thrilled for you and your family - i couldn't wait to move to the country and take my horse out of livery ( even thought it is a fantastic yard ) even chopping logs for the wood burner and sweeping the yard is a pleasure when it's all yours !! Merry christmas x