Please Help! I really need it!


Well-Known Member
5 September 2006
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Where to start..... I've had such a bad couple of days!

On Sunday morning I went up to check my horse. He's living out at the moment. I opened the gate and I could see from 50 metres he didn't look right. As I approached him I realised that his head was twice the size it usually was, and that his whole neck, throat, shoulder, belly - in fact verything accept his loins and rump where really swollen.

Brought him into the yard (once I found a headcollar big enough), and my usually chilled out boy was beside himself, constantly fidgeting and obviously in a great deal of discomfort.

So I called the vet out, I was very concerned because of the extent of the swelling that it might interfere with his oesophagus or wind pipe, although his breathing did seem to be fine. When she came out she diagnosed a severe allergic reaction, although I am at a total loss as to what too. I've had him for 7 years and never had a problem, and he's been at this yard for 2 years, in that field a fair few times, and he's been in there for the past 6 weeks. Anyway, that's another dilema.

So (sorry this is long!) the vet prescribed him steriods. She has given me the tablets because he is a New Forest Pony, and although he has never had laminitus before, apparently Steroinds can induce it. So the tablets are beneficial rather than an injection because they are shorter acting, and if he does start to show signs on laminitus I can take him straight off them. The swellings have now gone down.

This is where my big problem is. Although he is a normally chilled out New Forest Pony, he is naturally a poor doer, and I have problems keeping weight on him, there is nothing physically worng with him he just can't be bothered to eat unless there is quite a lot of grass. He is normally on a fair bit of grass, and he is never over-weight and he works quite hard. But now, because of this risk of laminitus I have moved him into a field with very little grass. My problem isn't him loosing weight, I can have that battle when he's fully recovered. My problem is that he has become really depressed!!! Because of the set-up of the yard he is now in this field by himself, and I am 99% sure that is the problem. He is in a field right next to his friends, but everytime I go up he runs straight over to me, and when anyone goes in his field he just follows them around. He just doesn't seem himself. I have gone through every scenario, but there just isn't a horse I can put in there with him without upsetting all the other liveries and causing major disruption. And because this is only a short term thing, probably about a month I really don't want to cause a fuss. My Yard Manager is away on holiday at the moment, and it's actually me and her sister looking after the yard. I don't think he's majorly hungry at the moment, yeaterday I put in some hay for him that had been over-soaked and he just wasn't interested.

So that's my problem, sorry it has been so long! Has anyone got any ideas how I can cheer my poor little lad up? Usually I'd give him treats, but because of the laminitus risk I don't think that's an option. Any suggestions welcome!! Please, I've a a real nightmare couple of days with other things in my life too, and I can't cope with my poor lad looking so sad! I don't want to leave him!

By the way, I am usually logged on as "gingsgreyhorse", but I'm having such a "mare" at the moment I couldn't even log on, so had to make up a new name!


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3 April 2003
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Instead of giving him soaked hay which he may find boring, have you considered giving him Spiller's Happy Hoof which is a fibre-based feed approved by the Laminitis Trust, which also has the advantage of being very palatable and appealing. If he has something tasty (but safe) to look forward to it might just perk him up a bit, plus help him keep some weight on.

I used Happy Hoof on our old pony who was unable to eat hay (dental problems) and turned her nose up at HiFi Lite.

Something else you could do is to buy a Snak-A-Ball and put Spillers High Fibre Cubes in for him to play with. (Again they are a Laminitis Trust approved feed).


Well-Known Member
21 March 2002
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It may be that the 'depression' is less to do with the field move and more to do with him still not feeling too well. Although the swelling has gone down I suspect he is still feeling a bit poorly so is looking to you to get a bit of security.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2006
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Yes, that did cross my mind. As I've said I've had him for 7 years and he's never had more than a hay cough, so I expect it is getting to him.

Thanks for the feeding suggestions. At the moment he is having 1/2 scoop of Alfa-A Lite which he has been on all summer to have his tablets with and his joint supplement. I know from past experience he doesn't like Hi-fi Lite, he's very fussy. Is Happy Hoof more palatable? Do you think if I swopped him onto that I could give him more and therefore occupy him? The Half a scoop of Alfa-A Lite doesn't last 5 minutes. I might go and buy some of those cubes, he does have a snack-a-ball. Having never had a lamintic pony I'm no expert on what to feed! If in doubt I always ring the feedlines!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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He probably does not yet feel right in himself after his reaction. But you are better off having a miserable pony that can't be bothered to eat than one with I am sure you realise! Sorry to be blunt but he will find a way of coping with the situation and you are doing the right thing by keeping him on restricted grazing until the threat has long is he on his tablets for then?


Well-Known Member
12 August 2005
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It is only a few days since he had such a severe reaction so probably,as others have said, still not feeling himself.

I have a laminitc pony and I give him a few treats apples, carrots etc. OK to give just a few at at time to cheer him up.

Would he prefer haylage to hay. Mine are not to bothered about hay but go wild for haylage!


Well-Known Member
5 September 2006
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Hi, thanks for that.

He is probably going to be on the tablets for a few weeks. I have to wean him off them gradually to make sure the reaction doesn't return. He started on 10 a day for 2 days, then 9 for 2 days etc etc. So it will be a while, then I'll still keep him restricted for at least another week to be sure it's out of his system.

This morning I went and bought some Happy Hoof chaff, which he loves (thank goodness, I always hate buying new feed!) and the woman at the feedstore said he could basically have as much as he wants of it, so I think I'll give him 3 scoops twice a day. He won't eat that all at once, he really isn't piggy! I also bought him some high fibre nuts and put them in his ball and he was so happy! When I left him he has kicking it around the field having a great time. So I'm happier now as well. First time I've driven away and haven't left him looking after me!