Please Help Save Our Field


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26 April 2017
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West Dunbartonshire Council are planning to take our ponies grazing field if we will not willingly let them have it. We do not want to do so as it's our ponies home and we have spent a lot of time making it a home for them.

These ponies are my pets and I expected them to have their field for life. Buddy is now quite elderly and he won't be able to cope with the loss of his friends if they have to be split up. Lady is even buried there and when the time comes I expected to also be able to bury her friends right next to her. Her grave will be desecrated if they take my field away from me and I can’t bear for this to happen.
All of this is in danger and I may not even be able to afford to keep my ponies long-term if I lose my field.

The Council could make a minor alteration to their plans to leave my field alone if they wanted to. To quote from Jim McAloon, their Head of Regeneration: "There are other avenues in terms of compulsory purchase orders if we don’t get the land. I would be looking to our experts to avoid that where possible. I would be asking how can we design the road to make it less painful for landowners in the area.”

Please read through our website for more information and to see how you can offer us help and support - it will be very much appreciated!

We need as much support as we can to ensure our field is saved (more details of how you can do so on the "Support" page of our website ).

The more people who back us up at this stage the harder it will be for the planners to ignore.

Thanking you in advance for your support and please forward this on to others asking them to have a look at our webpage and help us fight to save our field.

Susan and the Ponies