Please Please Please help............


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1 January 2006
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I'm talking to you guys, as I don't know where else to go. I know I should have posted this in the dog section but I figured more people would see it this way...

Our very special golden labrador Stanley is in hospital after he was suddenly diagnosed with a rare blood condition yesterday. He has been getting poorlier and poorlier but no-one knew what was wrong with him. But now, having ruled out everything else they have diagnosed him with having Ammnemediation Disease. They say that he might get better but he deperately needs another blood transfusions, and the hospital have only got one left of Stanley's type... He is currently in Intensive Care in the Royal Vetinary College in Potters Bar.

Any donor needs to be a 'large' dog, with negative type blood so that his body doesn't reject it. This can be easily found out...

If anyone knows ANYONE that might be able to help we would be soooooooo relieved to hear from you. Obviously we would pay for any associated costs - we're just so desperate to get our Stanley back home again.....


Well-Known Member
18 February 2006
In the Saddle
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i am soooooooooooo sorry we are up in scotland so too far away, my mum is a breeder and when she comes home ill ask her if she knows anyone close, pm wheer ti si near! as mum knows hundreds in england so one must be near!
pm me