Please raise money for your local hunt


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27 April 2007
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All my friends will tell you that I'm the last person to blow my own trumpet (I leave that to the ladies of my acquaintance). It is with some reluctance, therefore, that I publicise the innovatory method of raising funds for my hunt which I established over a decade ago. At that time we had the usual fund-raising events: drunken balls and summer fairs with the standard issue of dreary stalls and games: home-made jams, a coconut shy, stick-the-tail-on-the-terrierman etc. Which brings me to my brainwave. You may have seen the film with those lasses from up North who decided to sell calendars of themselves with their togs off. I actually thought of this first and suggested it to the hunt committee. The result was a triumphant success and people still talk about the charms of Ms February, mounting her nag in the buff outside the Burleigh Arms. I'm happy to record that I certainly made it a leap year for that particular filly!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2007
west midlands
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'All my friends will tell you that I'm the last person to blow my own trumpet (I leave that to the ladies of my acquaintance). It is with some reluctance, therefore, that I publicise the innovatory method of raising funds for my hunt which I established over a decade ago. At that time we had the usual fund-raising events: drunken balls and summer fairs with the standard issue of dreary stalls and games: home-made jams, a coconut shy, stick-the-tail-on-the-terrierman etc. Which brings me to my brainwave. You may have seen the film with those lasses from up North who decided to sell calendars of themselves with their togs off. I actually thought of this first and suggested it to the hunt committee. The result was a triumphant success and people still talk about the charms of Ms February, mounting her nag in the buff outside the Burleigh Arms. I'm happy to record that I certainly made it a leap year for that particular filly! '

Whatever,[****] of you boring twat


2 May 2007
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haha. Brilliant.
But we've been doing hunt nude calanders for years now (thought never fancyed participating) .
This years gotta be the best though. Didnt so much raise funds for our hunt, but a very notable cause, in the way of the Hunt staff Benifit Society. myself (Broken collar bone and all) and 4 other members ran the London Marathone..
Should I ever vaulanteer again, SHOOT ME!