Pointless Post: Feel Like a Horrible Mummy.....


Well-Known Member
29 November 2008
Near Guildford
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Or “Sometimes doing what feels like the right thing back-fires”.
To set the scene: my older mare is out for the winter on assisted retirement grass livery (66 acre field with about 20 horses. Lots of shelter, well drained, decent amount of grass). I felt bad about doing this but I travel abroad a lot on business and so can’t do DIY. I visit her at least once a week (she is checked daily) and bring her up from the field, make a fuss of her and have been giving her some grass nuts and carrots.
She is a bit of a wuss about the rain so I decided to charge out at lunchtime and go and make sure she was OK after yesterday’s weather. Total trip takes just over an hour so it was just do-able before my afternoon meetings. Whistled to her and, to my surprise she starts to walk over towards me (usually ignores me totally). As I wasn’t planning on visiting all I had was a handful of treats but no nuts or carrots in the car. She seemed fine so once she’d finished the treats I started walking back towards the gate – she just kept following. I guess she thought that, as usual, I’d bring her in and give her some food. Had to leave her standing at the gate as I drove off back to the office.
Feel really horrible now and I won’t be able to see her again until the weekend. Note to self: always leave a bag of nuts & carrots in the car in case of impromptu visits.

Sorry, can only offer vending machine coffee and a stale brownie if you got this far.....


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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Ah, don't feel bad! I dropped some carrots off the other day for my share horse and she just stood and the fence looking at me like "you've forgotten to feed me!". It was only half 2 - far too early for bedtime! Sure you're horse was fine and carried on once she'd realised!


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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She sounds like she lives in horse heaven -all that land to roam with a group of companions, blimey, she's one lucky mare.
I'm sure she realised it was an impromptu visit and was just being optimistic about the extra feed.
Its lovely to hear about older horses having a good retirement.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2008
West Sussex
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I agree, sounds like she has a lovely retirement place!

She was probably just expecting a feed out of habit, at least you had some treats on you.
I always buy the multi packs of polos from the supermarket and keep them in the car for emergencies- the annoying thing is my husband eats them too, so I have to hide them