
do you want tailored or bikers style jackets

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9 June 2005
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So then folks - a random poll


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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I put other for how many times I visit my horse because I am on a livery where they are done monday-friday then I do them at the weekends and in school holidays! so I vary how often I see pickle!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
See horses loads.
Fed haylage.
Turnout is varied, may be all day, may be few hours, not every day.
Hyalage fed on floor, hard feed in tyre bowl on floor.
Feed mix of straights and compounds, plus supplements.
Generally dont feed treats, but will sometimes nick a big bag of carrots from Countrywide.
Some are in hard work - fully shod.
Some roughed off - barefoot.
Breakers - fronts only.
Rugs as needed, at mo clipped horses have a fleece and lightweight stable. Unclipped have either fleece or lightweight stable.
Everything in full work gets clipped. Nothing more than a blanket or a Pricer (unless its a gelding with rainscald).


Well-Known Member
25 December 2004
back of beyond
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This is a long one!
Visit 2+ times a day,
feed soaked hay,
in at night and out during day (part of day to preserve fields),
feed hay from a huge tubtrug on the floor,
feed food from a tyre rubber bucket on the floor (all to help control nosebleeds),
feed chaff and cubes and apple cider vinegar,
lots of carrots/ apples/ polos/ oaty breakfast bars etc.!
In light work,
shod all round,
rugged for convenience (a grey - keeps her clean and dry for riding) and 'cos she was bloomin' cold the other day when it was really warm!
and blanket clipped 'cos she sweats like a pig and takes hours to dry!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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-Horses are at home, see them loads- ones I have rides on not at home I see about 3 times a week.
-Dont turn out everyday, my field is the size of a small country and full of sheep, so sometimes they go out in the day, sometimes they stay in, and sometimes they mull around my yard.
- Feed haylage from floor, dont like haynets,they arnt natural IMO
-Feed compounds, no supplements
-Have carrots around sometimes, never feed those "bought"treats, total waste of money IMO.
- Ones I am riding are all in hard work- hunting fit fully shod, others are wintered out shoeless.
- Rug coloured up to eyeballs because he is neige, cob doesnt need it, dont know what my rides are rugged like, and my two hunters are wintering out, wont put my mare a rug on until it turns cold.
- All the horses in hard work are clipped, havnt clipped sister's cob yet, he is still out 24/7 because he hates being stabled, so I am getting a neck rug for him before I clip, he will stay out, because he is happier out, and will keep more weight on.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
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Answered as best I could, but for a lot of the sections I had more than one answer.
I've got seven horses at home at the moment.
2 mares in foal, out, rugged, unshod.
1 mare & 1 foal, in by night, rugged by day (sorry MHF!!).
1 cob, shod, out, rugged.
2 3yr old fillies, out, rugged, unshod.

See M & F twice a day. Others once.

All fed dry hay (top quality), & compound mixes with chaff & sugar beat & appropriate supplements from buckets on the ground.


Well-Known Member
17 February 2006
East Sussex
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DIY livery but only visit once a day (someone else feeds and turns out in the morning)
Dry hay (although she is having haylage mixed with it at the mo)
In at night, out in the day
Bucket on the ground
Mix and chaff
Yes, but only hoof supplement
Yes - apples and carrots in feeds and occasionally bought ones by hand
Medium work
Yes all round
Yes - h/w stable / m/w turnout at the mo
Yes - hunter clip minus the saddle patch


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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See him twice a day, on DIY
Has Hayledge on the floor
Has Compound mix
Has supplements for his feet
Bucket on the ground
Apples and Carrots and bananas
Light work at the moment
Shod all round
Rugged and clipped


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
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I had to get a pen and paper to remember what I voted!

Ok: Other- I can't do them during the week as its to dark and we have no lights/electricity so mum does them but I see/do them 3 times a day at the weekend.
-Soaked hay but their feed is all fibre
-Out 24/7
-Other- tubs on the ground
-Buckets on the ground
-Other- all fibre- hifi lite and Hattie gets fibre beet
-Other- they get oil for their coats
-Carrots and apples
-Light work
-Shod all round
-Seasonally- rugged in the winter
-Yes they are both full yaks!!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2005
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DIY livery but only see them in the evening in the week and then I see them all day on saturday and sunday.
I generally feed dry hay, soaked hay in the lorry or if something has a cough, steamed hay occasionally in the winter
Turned out 24/7 at the moment but wussy tb might come in if he loses too much weight
All roughage fed loose on the floor although I am thinking about investing in a haybar
I feed a variety of different feeds, both straights and mixes, and supplements (selenevite from vet for azorturia pony, cortaflex for proper horses, pink powder after antibiotics, general supplements for 3yr old)
Veggies in feed sometimes
2 are hunting fit and the others get ridden as and when I have time
4 are shod all round, 3yr old is unshod
Proper horses get rugs, fatties are naked
The 2 fit ones are fully clipped, others have apron clips


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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I put other for the turnout question as my mare is generally out 24/7 but has a stable that she comes into some nights or for a few hours every other day or so just to get her used to it. (she is only young)


Well-Known Member
6 June 2006
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Visit my horses twice a day but in the summer they are behind the house so see them loads, in the winter they are out during the day and in at nite. Depends on the quality of hay whether i soak it or not. Sometimes put a few carrots in their feed. Both big horses are in medium work , bit of hunting, schooling and hacking they are both fully clipped and are both rugged...obviously!!


Well-Known Member
17 August 2006
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I visit the horses twice a day the week my OH is on back shift, once a day when he's early. Two of them get haylage, the other hay, two of them are out through the day in at night, other is on box rest. They are all fed HiFi lite and pasture nuts from buckets on the floor and they all have haynets. They enjoy carrots apples and turnip(swede) when I remember and one of them gets Joint Flex. Only 1 of them works, hacking, but is a Highland so has a clip and a rug. She has shoes in front, other 2 not shod.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2005
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2 of them have dry hay on floor
1 has haylage in net
also give hifi as partial hay replacer to all 3, 2 on floor 1 in swing feeder (for oldy)
supplement for arthritis
supplement for sweetitch
1 has hard feed on floor next to hay as kicks bucket over anyway (yearling)
Yearling not shod (obviously)
6yo barefoot
28yo fronts only


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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Unfortunately only get to see my boy once a day - one of the downers of having a horse in London - can't be in my back garden!

He has hay and haylage.........equi flex, equi hoof and linseed oil......


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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mine go out during the day and are in at night, however if the weather is rubbish they stay in as both their fields are on top of a hill and Bloss's dosent have much shelter.

They both get soaked haylage in a haynet, well i run the hose over it for about 10mins to get the 'bits' out then let it drain for a while.

Blos is fed a mix (badminton horse feeds dressage mix) along with alfa-a original in a feed bowl on the floor. she has cortaflx as she has bad hocks and gets very stiff, she has sunflower seeds for her skin/coat, and scratch/zephyr for her pollen allergy - all her suppliments are essential.

Archie is fed allen&page calm&condition with some sunflower seeds.

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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Mine are in at night, out by day during the week so I see them twice daily..weekends are different thought, they do a lot of work then and mught only get an hour out each day.
Whether I steam hay depends on the age and qulity of it..at the moment they are coping very well with it dry, and I feed from the floor which I think reduces flying dust, as well as being better for them (but it means I give them loads as they get through it quicker)
All three have just front sets, all natives or crosses so have good feet, the fronts are on for road work
Feed alfalfa of one sort or another depending on energy needs, plus speedibeet year round, with pink powder..I also add a high fat rice bran cube/powder in winter for energy and condition


Well-Known Member
17 October 2006
south west
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Horses are at home so see them all the time
Feed soaked hay in doubled haylage nets coz they are greedy!
Turn out in day (in school with hay if field wet)
Feed concentrates and alfalfa when competeing and topspec alfalfa in winter when not working as much
Supplement salt and garlic as standard, cortaflex for older stiffer one that works harder
Feed apples/carrots in buckets and occasionally as treats. Do use bought treats as bribery for loading, easier to keep in pocket
Light work in winter, one medium in summer
Both shod all round
Both rugged in winter
Hairy beasts so clipped according to sweatyness!! WB very sweaty so full clip first time, blanket with what grows back. otherwise chaser or blanket depending on work.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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>Mine is on DIY and is seen twice a day. Not always by me though as I share the work with a friend and we do each other's horses depending on our work commitments.
>She’s fed haylage from nets. She is in 24/7 now
but she is exercised everyday and I try to put her loose in the outdoor as well if it is free for an hour or two.
>She is fed cool mix and alpha-A out of a bucket on the floor. She also gets corn oil, salt and a joint supplement in her feed. She has various treats around the stable to try and keep her occupied… Likits/mineral lick/Swedes on the floor etc. She also gets carrots in her feed.
>She is in light to medium work at the moment – would be in medium to hard but I can’t do much cos of my back and she doesn’t have a regular jockey. But she does a lot of lunging and hill work.
>She is shod all round, rugged lightly during the day and medium stable rug at night and has a chaser/blanket clip (sort of a cross between the two) although it is growing out now.

I’m pretty happy with most of it but I wish we had winter turn out. Also our sandschool is like a bog at the moment which makes it difficult to lunge.