Pony eating poo?


New User
7 November 2021
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Hey guys,
Today I was out on a hack with friends.
For context my pony Duke is a new forest gelding and the pony that did the poo is a stallion.
They are both turned out together.
We were on a single track bridleway and the stallion in front stopped to do a poo. Duke waited and watched it happen and all was fine. Then the ponies in front off him carried on forwards up the single track. Duke stopped for a few seconds to sniff the poo which I thought was fine. Then I asked him to walk forward and he wouldn’t, he just carried on sniffing the poo. With the others further ahead I asked him more firmly to walk on and he point blanc refused reversing into the ponies behind me mini rears lots of bucking and striking out behind him. Confused I looked down to see that the poo had large bite marks in it turns out he’d been eating the poo and about half was already gone. I then asked him to walk forward again and he started striking his front legs out and stomping into the poo harshly. After asking him to walk forward again and his friends now being out of view with some hesitance and further walking backwards he hopped over it and cantered to catch up. Just wondering if this could be a mineral deficiency or if he’s just had a falling out or something else completely. He’s done it once before with the same ponies poo but not with anyone else’s to my knowledge. Thank you for your help!