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I recently purchased a pony in January. Unfortunately we were not aware of this. We did have the mare 5* vetted as we unfortunately were not able to go and see her prior purchased and this was not picked up. When she arrived we noticed that she head flicks when she goes under things. So when going into a stable she will flick her head so her nose hits the frame of the door. We did have a nasty incident with her as she was in the stable and head flicked and hit her nose on the roof and continued to head flick 2 more times hitting her head again , untill we put a towel over her eyes. We managed to get her out of the stable safely. We thought she might be a bit head shy , but you can throw things around her head and she doesn't batter an eye lid. If she is grazing and you are above her head she will suddenly throw her head up and flick her head. She has managed to hit me in the face a couple of times. We spoke to the owner , who had her before the person who we bought her from and the confirmed that she has always done this with them. Unfortunately they had the same incident with her I'm the stable and she had to be sedated by the vet to get her out of the stable safely. She is 6 years old, 7 in July. I will take her to the vet next week. Just wanted to see if anyone had experience this before as it is very odd