Pony with a painful leg


17 July 2019
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Hi all,
I’m new to pony ownership. Sadly my wee boy earlier today hurt his leg, he was unable to put any weight on it. Vet came immediately, suspected ligament / tendon issue, worst case scenario a break. Really hope not. 😢
He’s had an injection of painkillers, and is all strapped up. He’s stabled, and quiet and quite fine. Nibbling his hat,
However, the other pony comes to check on him, and he gets a bit twitchy about her doing that. I think there’s a bit of a power struggle coming from her...she mothers him, or maybe it’s bullying....
Do I keep her away? Lock her in the other field to give him peace or might he be better having her to visit?
And, would you go to check on him through the night?
We last checked on him an hour ago, I’m going again in an hour.
He seemed peaceful enough and quite chilled.
Do we continue to check on him every hour or so? We don’t live nearby but it’s a short drive away.


17 July 2019
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Yes, she’s in a field with access through the hard standing area to the stable. We can shut her in the field, she’d still have access to shelter under the trees (it’s pouring down)
But I’m not sure if that will stress him out more? She kind of nags him, but equally they love each other dearly and groom each other lots

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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If the injury is fairly serious he will probably be spending a long time shut in so it may be best if you set up the yard so she does have access but cannot get to him if that upsets him, you may also need to ensure the field is fenced so she cannot go out of his sight which will help keep him happy.
As for now I would leave them be, if he seems to be comfortable with the pain relief he should be fine until morning when the vet will presumably be back to reassess, give more pain killers if required and put together a treatment plan, do you have electricity there or nearby so he can be xrayed or scanned?


17 July 2019
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Thanks for your reply, it’s much appreciated.
He’ll be x-rayed in the morning, and yes, we can run electricity to the stable.
The vet prepared us for worst case scenario, but he’s looking ok...I have a feeling it’ll be a sore one but no break.🙏🏻
For now the mare is in the field, she can walk round to see him, but we can move her into another field (supposed to be for winter, we’ve had it fenced off) for now so he can see her if that’s better.
They’re whinnying at each other, I suppose telling each other they’re there?


17 July 2019
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Do you think my husband should get up at 3 as planned or do you think we’re ok to leave him alone? I’ve just been down, he seems ok.


17 July 2019
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Hello! He’s ok, they think! No obvious sign of break. Although there’s a lump on the bone which is suspect, they have to wait 7-10 days until they can see what happens.
Poor little man, he’s a little 7 year old rescue pony and we’ve only had him 12 weeks! My daughter’s heart would break if it had been a break.
Thanks for asking! 😊


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25 May 2010
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One of ours fractured her cannon bone. IIRC she had some box rest and then was turned away for a while. We’ve not brought her back into work for logistical reasons but she is sound.