******* pony


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Last night he was cold, miserable and grumpy, so i rugged him in a very light fleece. Got down this morning and he'd sweated between his front legs. Decided no rug tonight.
He then escaped from the stable when my dad went in to do some DIY. I got a frantic phonecall "can you get the pony...he's last seen galloping towards the next village" (along the road...no shoes
). Little git comes trotting up to me butter wouldnt melt
Decided he needed working a bit, so I attempted to lunge him. He proceeded to try and double barrel me, and just be a total p***.
So I chucked him out in the field for a bit. He galloped round like mad, worked up a bit of a sweat, and came in like an angel.
Let him dry off, and put him away. Went to feed him an hour later, he'd sweated up AGAIN. No, he's not ill! Just so bloody hairy and excited ATM he only has to think about food or going out and he's drenched. Thankfully he was only damp on his belly and between his front legs, so i chucked his feed in his bed for him to search out (I normally stand and wait for him to eat) and went home and left him to it.
He is not in my good books!! Clip this weekend me thinks!

Anyone else experience this sort of thing when they first come in for the winter and at a new home??


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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You did the right thing by turning him out so he could rid his excess energy. What do you feed him out of interest and whats his workload? Is he always like this? Hope he calms down soon.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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You did the right thing by turning him out so he could rid his excess energy. What do you feed him out of interest and whats his workload? Is he always like this? Hope he calms down soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

he came in on sunday from 24 hour turnout, because he is overweight and at risk of laminitis. he has a pad of hay a day and a handful of hi-fi lite with d&h multivitamin in the evenings. i am thinking on stopping the multivitamin, but am feeding it due to a dull coat. i am getting a grazing muzzle tomorrow so he can go out during the day.
he's normally cheeky and stubborn.
he's 3 so has no workload.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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i would def carry on with the vit and mineral supp, turn out in the day with muzzle and prob get him broken and ride him, lunge him, the weight loss will only come with diet and exercise together, they do take alot of time and commitment these little ones, i have my work cut out with my little ones, good luck