Poor Rosie


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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Sorry just needed a quick moan to get it out... my 20 year old Welsh Sec D mare who i have had for coming up 13 years i think has been lame once twice at most! Well she came in yesterday completely lame on her near hind.. she could barely walk! She is normally fit well and gets ridden - hacked and schooled 5 times per week! As you can imagine it was awful to see like this, the vets came out and as the fetlock was so swollen she couldnt even feel her splint bone or ligaments etc so she is now on 1 week box rest and bute! So worried and hoping massively its just badly bruised as vet did mention the could have torn something or even fractured her splint bone!!!

Feeling rather useless at this point and just needed a bit of a rant! At work currently thinking about it so thought what better place to have a rant than on here! :)


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7 March 2006
Cambs/Northants Border
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Rant away that's what this forum is for, well and often very good advice! Fingers crossed its nothing too serious, even a tiny puncture wound can caused a fetlock to swell like that. Hope you get some good news when you an see a little bit better what's going on.


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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Thank you, well that was what was weird at first as there isn't a mark on her leg at all no cut, puncture etc ... i have everything crossed though that she will be ok and be on the mend soon!


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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Thanks guys much appreciated, she is still on box rest but we are now reducing her bute to see how she is doing... fingers crossed if all ok she can go out in her own paddock with a friend (who is very quiet) on Saturday! :) However if still lame or swollen it will be a scan... that will be a nice vets bill! However in 12 years i think this is only the 2nd time i have had the vet out for injury or illness so its not bad going really bless her.


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1 December 2006
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I share your pain! My old girl came in barely able to walk last weekend and spent the next 2 days lying down most of the time. Vet thinks it was laminitis (tested slightly positive for Cushings) but a big fat abcess popped out of her coronary band in the middle of the week and so I think it was just that. Haven't had the bill yet, but it won't be less than £250. Two days later I had to take the cat to her vet and that was £250 near enough too. £500 in one week, great!


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27 April 2009
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Fatpiggy that is rubbish...! Things always have a nasty habit of happening at the same time don't they! my cat cost me £2850 but that was a few months ago... he managed to swollow a 5p coin and luckily he was insured!


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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I joked with the cat's vet that we only ever see him at Christmas- it has happened before! The horse keeps the veterinary industry going single handed. I already pay out £500 every month for her drugs. Now its going to be £530 :( I must be mad.


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5 April 2010
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I share your pain! My old girl came in barely able to walk last weekend and spent the next 2 days lying down most of the time. Vet thinks it was laminitis (tested slightly positive for Cushings) but a big fat abcess popped out of her coronary band in the middle of the week and so I think it was just that. Haven't had the bill yet, but it won't be less than £250. Two days later I had to take the cat to her vet and that was £250 near enough too. £500 in one week, great!

this is me too laminitis was stabilized then out pops a abscess out her coronary band virtually no pus just 1/2 5 pence piece spots still VERY SORE poulticing last 2 days animalintec is clear on norodine twice a day as she has some inflammation on the bone . and some more rotation due to abscess so back on styrofoam pads again
she hasnt got cushings , was wormed with tape worm as this might of been prob with protein loss paid a 500 pound bill 2 weeks ago went to pay for her liquid antibiotics and they said the bill is back to £ 1900 :eek:

this is so mentally draining all the ups and downs and set backs
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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Well a little update.. she is still lame :( has been X-rayed and scanned the vet saw a small chip but wasn't sure if it was old or new and the scan showed her tendon was twice as thick as the other but no holes! I think were coming up to 4 weeks and still lame - maybe i am impatient but if it was just bruised and pulled shouldnt i see improvement?? She had her first week on box rest then was out in a private paddock but i have now put her back on box rest to see if that makes any difference.. i think the vet will need to come out shortly... again!