Well-Known Member
She just got attacked by a scary pigeon just outside our house. She fell on the road has 2 broken knees, 1 right down to the joint capsule but luckily didn't break the joint capsule. I hosed them clean and vet was here within 20mins (he was at surgery near by). She is now out of Area SJ and Probably Gosling Cup on 20th Aug. But she will to fine to do PC teams at Burghley.. She is bandaged from fetlock to elbow and can't work out how to walk. She is such a star though and just stood quietly the whole time, even when vet was poking around inside to make sure there was no gravel or tears to the joint capsule.
Bee is obviously heartbroken. She did not fall off or hurt herself though.
Bee is obviously heartbroken. She did not fall off or hurt herself though.